Mecha gacha game Iron Saga is having a collaboration with Tokusatsu throwback SSSS.Gridman. The Iron Saga X SSSS.Gridman event will run from 31st August to 29th September.
In addition, the Iron Saga twitter page also had a giveaway for a statue of Takarada Rikka, from the anime.
The Iron Saga X SSSS.Gridman event will feature fan-favorite characters Takarada Rikka and Shinjo Akane. Additionally, series protagonist Hibiki Yuta and main rival Anti are also in the game. The anime voice actors are reprising their roles for this event.
This event will also add two new mechs. These are the titular Gridman, as well as Gridknight. They both come with their signature moves, with Gridman having his Grid Beam. Gridman also has access to his Full Armor Gridman form. Meanwhile, Gridknight also has access to the Gridknight Calibur End move.
SSSS.GRIDMAN is an anime that was released in 2018, produced by Studio TRIGGER. It’s also currently streaming on Netflix for Malaysia.