Jian Xia Qing Yuan R, a remake of the classic Wuxia MMO will soon be released in Malaysia and Singapore, and being an MMO there are classes. 10 classes of them in fact and each one is based on a different school of Chinese martial arts to choose from and take to the battlefield.
In Jian Xia Qing Yuan R, the classes are divided into five elements based on the traditional Chinese elements of Wuxing. Each element is strong and weak against another going in this cycle:
Metal > Wood > Earth > Water > Fire > Metal
Each clan has strengths and weaknesses depending on your playstyle. Here are each school attached to each element and what they can do:
The Shaolin school has always been known as one of the top clans of martial arts. The Shaolin disciples usually train in intense combat and chanting as part of their tradition.
As a Shaolin disciple, you will learn the skill known as Luo Han Zhen(少林罗汉阵) which will allow you to return the damage you take back on to your enemies. The skill Yi Jin Jing (易筋经) can give the player higher resistance, allowing you to act as a tank for your allies. A real bare-fisted monk.
Traits: High Damage Return, High Resistance
Difficulty: **
Tian Wang
A school for strong close combat fighters. Tian Wang disciples have high attack speed as well as the most health among 10 classes. Their active skill is Duan Hun Ci (断魂刺) which can allow them to quickly home in on enemies at fast speeds. The metal class real seem to be made up off damage sponges that hit hard.
Traits: Close Combat/High Health
Difficulty: **
Wu Du
Wu Du’s disciples are trained to attack with venom. You’ll have a hard time fighting them without an antidote in your inventory. If that’s not enough, Wu Du’s disciples can also cast a curse to debuff their enemies’ resistances.
Traits: Poison Attack/Curse Skill
Difficulty: ***
Tang Men
The Tang Men school are known for their assortment of hidden weapons. Using these weapons with poison makes them able to perform ranged area of effect attacks. This gives them the high ground on groups of enemies, setting up area to attack numbers of enemies for a wide range of damage.
Traits: Ranged Attack
Difficulty: ***
EMei is a clan whose members are predominantly beautiful women. I suppose this clan is for people that wish to have style and grace when they face the enemy’s forces. Their school is located on the Mountain EMei. As a Water Element Clan, EMei Disciples take a support role. They can also attach the ice damage to their attacks, inflicting a freezing effect on their enemies.
Traits: Support
Difficulty: ***
Cui Yan
Cui Yan disciples are known for their high accuracy and high Attack. They make use of their high attack Speed and their water element to debuff opposing armies and keep ahead of enemies. Trying to force your way against the flow of a river is futile and Cui Yan makes that for certain.
Traits: High ATK/High ATK Speed
Difficulty: ***
Tian Ren
Tian Ren is the only class that possesses the ability to perform a 1-hit fatal blow. They also have the curse skill and are able to steal their enemy’s life while they attack. This style of fiery soul-stealing can be a great advantage during 1 on 1 battle.
Traits: Fatal Blow/Curse
Difficulty: *****
Gai Bang
Gai Bang disciples are usually melee characters with a near nuclear amount damage output and high evasion. They have high attributes all around with the exception of low health, making them a bit of a glass cannon. They can dish out of a lot of damage with their flame-intensive skills but a slight wind and they’ll be blown out.
Traits: High Basic Attributes but Low Health
Difficulty: **
The Wu-Dang clan truly is forever! Becoming as Wu-Dang disciples will get you faster movement speed, attack speed, and high accuracy. They can also use your skills to offset the damage taken and stun your enemies, which in turn will make them even slower. With Wu-Dang, you’re just not getting hit.
Traits: High ATK Speed, movement Speed
Difficulty: ***
Kun Lun
Kun Lun’s disciples are all about bringing the buffs. They have skills that increase their own movement speed and slow down enemies. They also have high attacks, and skills that buffs. The problem here however is that they have the lowest health amongst all classes. So yeah, you’re going to have to bring the buffs.
Traits: High Resistance but Lowest in Health
Difficulty: ***
Those were to 10 classes of Jian Xia Qing Yuan R. As you can see each has a certain set of skills that give them an edge on the battlefield. Which one you’ll join will depend on your playstyle and what you look for when playing an MMO RPG. So, which school would you join?
Jian Xia Qing Yuan R will release for mobile devices in 2022, an open beta test for the game will begin on the 5th of January 2022. You can pre-register for the game here.