Religious outreach has hit a new peak- as an Indonesian man has revealed the latest in the effort, an Ustadz Vtuber named Roffi Daijoubu.
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Roffi Daijoubu here! #VTuberID #Ustadz
Bringing you different perspectives about Islam!
Insyallah Roffi akan rilis video2 ceramah, some game & zatsudan stream
Ada pertanyaan ttg Islam yg kamu ingin Roffi nanti bahas? Reply here
Ust Roffi Daijoubu (@Roffi_Daijoubu) September 20, 2022
For those of you not in the loop, an Ustadz is essentially a religious teacher- and Roffi Daijoubu intends to fill this role by targeting the Vtuber watching audience .
According to his profile, Roffi’s plans include “Bringing you new perspectives about Islam!” through “Ceramah, Game Stream & Zatsudan (Just Chatting streams)” .
The action even continues on his Twitter, with the Vtuber sharing information about lesser known facts about Islam as well as his own personal journeys with the faith.
Roffi’s Twitter definitely seems to be good for people who like mixing their faith with their hobbies- he regularly tweets passages from the Quran, and seems to be serious about educating his audience on matters of faith.
It looks like he’s still very much in the middle of setting up shop- he’s announced that while he’s in PNGTuber prison for now, a fully rigged model is currently underway.
Meanwhile, his YouTube channel only has one video so far, explaining a story about the descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
While the idea may seem silly at first, you’ve gotta give him props- going to where all the youth are is definitely a better way of doing outreach than just whining about how no one’s interested in learning about religion anymore.