The internet has collectively made a quirky discovery in Honkai Star Rail– apparently, you can change the color of the text in your bio, though it’s since been removed.

For the past two days, the community had been reeling over a quirky discovery- the text box in your Honkai Star Rail bio could have its properties messed with, like adding color with just a few commands.
The box could have HTML tags inserted into it- allowing you to do things like add strikethroughs, underlines and even altering the color if you have the hex value.
Unfortunately, being able to change properties that weren’t meant to be changed isn’t a great testimony to security, and as of this writing the feature no longer works with the in-game profanity filter disallowing any attempt to put attribute tags.
Profiles that already altered their text remain unchanged, however- though it’s a safe bet you won’t be allowed to change it again.
HoYoverse themselves haven’t commented on the feature either ways- considering the underground nature of the exploit it’s safe to say they’d rather not have people know it existed at all.
That hadn’t stopped the community, though, who for the past two days have been teaching everyone about Hex color values and how to simp for their favorite characters, now in technicolor.
It’s not entirely irrational for the devs to try and block this feature- New World infamously had security issues once people discovered they could crash other people’s games using the in-game chat.
Still, it wouldn’t be surprising to see if the community would specifically ask for the feature back- this kind of customization was popular during the message board era, and a formative experience for many a user.