The highly anticipated Gundam Card Game is set to launch globally on July 11, 2025, bringing the iconic mobile suits and characters from the Gundam universe to the world of TCG. The game will be available in English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese, marking an exciting milestone for both longtime fans and newcomers alike.
[Special News Part 1] Gundam Card Game will be released in English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese simultaneously in July 2025!
We are planning to introduce a number of aircraft that were not included in the Edition Beta, so please look forward to further updates!…— GUNDAM CARD GAME English Version (@GUNDAM_GCG_ENG) January 4, 2025
At the heart of the Gundam Card Game are four starter decks: Heroic Beginnings (featuring the original Mobile Suit Gundam), Wings of Advance (focused on Mobile Suit Gundam Wing), Zeon’s Rush (with the classic Zaku suits), and Seed Strike (from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed). Each deck will come in two versions: a standard edition priced at $11.99 and a special Gundam Assemble crossover edition for $34.99, which includes three unassembled Gundam miniatures that can be used as tokens within the game.
The game’s mechanics will feature a 50-card deck consisting of Mobile Suit Units, Pilots, Base, and Command cards. Players must manage resources to deploy their units, with the added challenge of pairing pilots to their corresponding mechs to increase their power. Strategic decisions will be crucial, especially as players can engage in various play modes, including 1v1 matches, team battles (2v2), and Battle Royales with multiple participants.
In addition to the card game, the Gundam Assemble miniatures game will also launch alongside the Gundam Card Game. The miniatures can be used as tokens in the card game, enhancing the crossover experience for fans. Furthermore, the Newtype Rising booster set will introduce more cards from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, enriching the gameplay.
With the combination of thrilling strategy and beloved Gundam lore, the Gundam Card Game is poised to become a hit in the world of trading card games, appealing to both Gundam fans and TCG enthusiasts.
For more details on this highly anticipated addition to the TCG world, be sure to check out the game’s official website.