We finally have more details on the previously announced Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy , which looks exactly as we expect: a story mode for the tactical squad shooter.
The title will release on PS4 and PS5 on November 5th, with story updates coming roughly every two weeks until December 3rd.
The game will have you playing as a group called Noisy Fairy – an all-woman team of Zeon pilots, under the direct control Kycillia Zabi from the original Mobile Suit Gundam.
Rather than squadding up with random people online, instead this is a purely offline experience- your teammates will be the game’s cast of Zeon soldiers, complete with little displays of them on the side of the screen.
While they mention building bonds with your party members, its unclear if this is an actual in-game mechanic a la titles like Sakura Wars, or if they’re simply referring to growing to like the cast of characters over the course of the game’s story.
Rather than come up with a new gameplay system, Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy uses the same combat system as Battle Operation 2, which means a slightly more grounded combat system that rewards more tactical play as opposed to the fast-paced action of other Gundam titles.
One way it does differ though is the addition of Pilot Skills- while they haven’t shown what they do yet, these are affected by the various characters you’ll have in your squad throughout the game.
A Paid Story Experience
Unlike Gundam Battle Operation 2, Code Fairy is a paid title, and will be split up into multiple episodes. The first volume, which covers episodes 1-5 will release on November 5th, with Volume 2 on November 19th and Volume 3 on December 3rd.
You’ll be able to pre order the title, getting you one day early access to Volume 1, and buying the Deluxe Edition will also get you early access to Volumes 2 and 3 as they come out.
In addition, the game will be having a collaboration with Gundam Battle Operation 2, wherein you’ll get special rewards in both games if you have save data for either title.
All in all, the game looks like a great title for those who really like the mechanics of Battle Operation 2, but never much cared for the multiplayer-only aspect of it, nor its gacha elements. While it looks like your pool of mobile suits is much smaller, if you just like the mech operation it’s going to be a good time.