Following up on our previous guides for Warcraft Rumble, here we have a talent suggestions guide and tier list for the rest of the minis in the game.
Similar to our leader tier list, the tiering of the minis are based on how much value the units bring and how situational they are.
Do note that there are no ranking differences between the leaders within a tier.
Different from the Leaders, regular minis cost 90 gold per Talent unlock, per star.
- Talent 1 unlock – 4 stars * 90 gold = 360 gold. (3 Stars + Initial Unlock)
- Talent 2 unlock – 10 stars * 90 gold = 900 gold.
- Talent 3 unlock – 25 stars * 90 gold = 2250 gold.
Talent cost are the same with the Leaders where it requires 250 gold per talent.
- We will also be having a separate guide for choosing the right talent for leaders and you can check it here.
- We also have a tier list of the leaders where you can check it out here.
Tier | Mini | Traits | Talents | Talent Suggestion |
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Fast | Elven Might: Deal 50% additional damage to the initial target. | Elven Might might be a better PvE talent to pick up as it gives Huntress more sustainable DPS on bosses compared to Shadowmeld. |
Huntress | Resistant | Shadowmeld: Gain Stealth and Ambush. | We recommend Shadowmeld as the best PvP talent, as this allows Huntress to not be damaged until she reveals herself. This talent also comes with Ambush, which lets Huntress deal dobule damage when breaking out of Stealth via normal attacks. | |
Alliance | Ranged | Darnassian Steel: Glaive bounces an additional 3 times. | Darmassian Steel isn't as viable as it will only trigger when the opponents have a number of units on the board, which scenario Huntress would fare well regardless of this talent. | |
Gold Cost: 5 | AoE | |||
Tier Reason: Huntress is the only ranged unit that can deal damage to multiple enemies at once, which also means she can take down the backline enemies as long as they're not too far from the front line. Huntress is also fast and has resistant, meaning that she won't die to S.A.F.E Pilot or Flamewaker easily. The only downside is her pricey 6 Gold Cost, but she's well worth the price. | ||||
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Unbound | Tunnel Vision: Deploy much more quickly | We recommend Tunnel Vision as it speeds up the spawning animation, and Quilboar can start working on getting Chests or dealing damage. This talent also covers one of Quilboard's biggest weakness being spawn time. | |
Quillboar | Resistant | Bristleback: Deal a small amount of damage to Melee attackers. | Bristleback doesn't provide as much value because it only deals damage to enemy melee attacks. Quilboar is more suited to deal with opposing Elemental minis thanks to Resistant, making this talent not as valuable. | |
Cycle | Bramble Burst: Inflict Poison on nearby enemies when emerging. | Bramble Burst doesn't give as much value as the other talents since it only deals a small AoE poison damage. | ||
Melee | ||||
Beast | One-Target | |||
Gold Cost: 2 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: From first glance, Quillboar might seem bland as a unit. But being only 2 cost on top of being a tank with Resistant and Unbound, he makes for a great distraction to draw attention away from your other units. | ||||
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Elemental | Gnomish Cloaking Device: Deploy from the explosion with Stealth and Ambush. | Gnomish Cloaking Device is the best talent as it gives a 1 time Stealth and Ambush ability to the pilot when she crash lands. Ambush lets her deal double damage when breaking from Stealth, giving her more fire power when she lands. | |
S.A.F.E Pilot | Unbound | Comin' In Hot!: Deploy twice as fast and Burn nearby enemies. | This is a more situational talent which could work well on bosses in PvE mode by providing more burning damage. Ultimately outclassed by Gnomish Cloaking Device though. | |
Alliance | Ranged | Gnomish Muttonizer: Polymorph the first blaster target. | The talent looks good on paper, but if you take her spawn time and slow attack speed into consideration, this talent has a lot of uncertainties on which minis she'd be Polymorphing. | |
Gold Cost: 3 | AoE | |||
Tier Reason: A free unit which players unlock initially, on top of being an Elemental mini that deals AoE Elemental damage when spawning, and her normal attacks have a wide AoE range. She's the best unit to dive squishy backlines as she would usually OHKO them. The downside is she walks pretty slow, and have quite a bit of spawn time, so it takes a little practice to use her properly. | ||||
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Elemental | Flame Burst: Damage nearby enemies when hatching. | Flame Burst is the best talent as it lets you kill Pyromancer, Darkspear Trolls (As long as you spawn the eggs next to them), which usually counters this mini. | |
Whelp Eggs | Hatching | Rookery: When one egg hatches, the others hatch immediately. | It's very situational, somtimes you spawn Whelp Eggs to distract melee units, spawning them all at once might not buy you the precious time you need. | |
Flying | Chromatic Plating: Egg gain Taunt. | This talent lets the egg gain taunt, which can allow players to force enemy units to reset their targeting. Another situational Talent. | ||
Blackrock | Squad | |||
Gold Cost: 3 | Unbound | |||
Tier Reason: A squad of 3 eggs when spawned, and deals Elemental damage once hatched. Having Unbound also means that you can spawn Whelp Eggs anywhere on the map. Spawning it at the right time and location makes it a great counter to many units, such as Abomination, Molten Giant, Bat Rider, etc. | ||||
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Ranged | Soul Eruption: Possessed targets detonate on death, damaging nearby enemies. | Soul Eruption lets you deal AoE damage when the possessed mini dies, but having a full health unit is better. |
Banshee | One-Target | Unholy Frenzy: Possessed targets gain Bloodlust for 10 seconds. | This talent sounds good on paper, but Banshee mostly used defensively, so you can time and spawn Banshee to possess the desired target. Letting Banshee roam to hope and possess a highly value target is rather difficult difficult, however it might be useful in some PvE maps. | |
Alliance | Possession | Will of the Necropolis: Fully Heal the possessed target. | Gains a fully healed Rend is not a bad thing, as you can start the counter push with it. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | ||||
Tier List: One of the most unique mini in the game as she'll dash towards an enemy and possess them the moment she sees them. At 4 gold cost, she provides great value at possessing buffed up minis or mins that are more expensive than her, like Rend Blackhand, high level Sneed, buffed Hogger, etc. However, she gets countered by most cheaply summonable unbound units like Whelp Eggs/ Skeletons. One thing to note is that once she possesses an enemy leader, your team will gain the passive leader ability. | ||||
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Elemental | Enchanted Vials: Increase the size of the flaming pool by 30%. | Enchanted Vials is the best talent for Bat Rider as it increases her AoE by 30%, which would allow her to kill off ranged units before they can come close to attack her. | |
Bat Rider | Bombard | Flaming Pitch: Flaming pool reduces enemy's speed by 30%. | This talent gives Bat Rider a soft CC by slowing enemies. Situational at best. | |
Cycle | Fiery Surplus: "Accidentally" leave vials on the ground, Burning nearby enemies that touch them. | This talent lets Bat Rider periodically spawn a vial on the floor which will burn nearby enemies when they touch it. It's rather situational in the sense where this talent won't bring in value if the enemies don't touch the vial. | ||
Horde | AoE | |||
Gold Cost: 2 | Flying | |||
Tier Reason: A flying mini at 2 gold cost who also deals wide AoE Elemental damage is amazing. Being a flying unit also means she hard counters most ground units. The downside is that she's weak to other Flying units, and she has very slow movement speed. | ||||
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Tank | Cannonball: On deploy and at 50% health, stun nearby enemies for 5 seconds. | This gives Abomination a huge 5 second stun on both deploy and at 50% health. First trigger makes it very defensive, however the second trigger is unpredictable. While 5 seconds is a pretty long duration, the 6 gold cost is a high price to pay and you won't always have that much saved up. | |
Abomination | Hook | Noxious Presence: Poison nearby enemies every 3 seconds. | This talents lets you deal AoE poison damage, and allows Abomination to deal with Armored minis. | |
Melee | Fresh Meat: After hooking a target, deal double damage on the next attack. | This talent lets Abomination deal double damage on every hook. It makes it very situational but it may be useful in high level PvP or certain PvE maps. | ||
Undead | AoE | |||
Gold Cost: 6 | ||||
Tier Reason: The highest health unit in the game that can tank both Physical and Elemental damage well. His attacks have a huge cleaving AoE, and the biggest selling point is that he will periodically deal damage and hook ranged units to him, and bring them to his attack cleaving range. The downside is the expensive 6 gold cost, and Abomination doesn't have Resistent or Armor. | ||||
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Frost | Cold Snap: Freeze enemy troops in place. | The best talent choice, as it's a hard cc damage spell that freezes enemies in place, which also makes them not be able to attack. | |
Blizzard | Elemental | Brittle Ice: Enemies within take 30% additional damage from Physical sources. | This talent could be useful for a pocket strategy on downing PvE bosses or PvP base rush. The condition of having physical troops nearby makes this talent pretty situational. | |
Alliance | Spell | Icecrown: Summons an additional Blizzard at your Base. | It's a very situational talent as most of the time the ranged units attacking your base won't be affected by the Blizzard. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | AoE | |||
Tier Reason: The most consistent high damaging spell in the game. Being a spell also means that you can use it on towers and bosses. At 4 gold cost, this spell can deal with a lot of Armored units. Blizzard is a great counter to Sylvanas where it kills both her and the Banshee she spawns in 1 cast. This spell also pairs very well with Jaina. | ||||
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Ranged | Big Bad Voodoo: Regenerate 20% health every second. | A defensive talent that lets Darkspear Troll outlast the opponent in a 1v1 situation. However, it's a situational defensive talent that only activates when he takes damage. | |
Darkspear Troll | One-Target | Headhunting: On kill, increase Attack and Movement speed by 10%. Stacks to 50%. | By far the best talent has it provides Darkspear Troll both attack and movement speed bonus on kills. Pairing this with Bloodlust will make him into a well-oiled killing machine. | |
(Horde) | Serpent Sting: Gain Poison. | Allows him to melt annoying Armored units like Molten Giant, Earth Elemental and Gargoyle. But dealing with these minis usually falls to the task of Elemental minis. The poison doesn't provide value against squishy flying units. | ||
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: He represents a typical physical ranged unit that is able to attack both air and ground minis. A great counter to most air minis with the exception of Gargoyles. Darkspear Troll might seem a little lackluster at first, but it slightly outranges most of the other ranged units including Sylvanas. The downside is that he only deals single target damage. | ||||
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Spell | Attunement: Allies caught in the effect gain Resist. | This talent grants Resist to all allied units caught in the spell, using it on minis like Tyrion, Rivendare, Gargoyle, etc will make them receive 50% less damage from all sources. | |
Deep Breath | AoE | Melting Point: Damaging Armored enemies removes their Armor. | Melting Point permanently removes the Armor Status from Armored units. Even if the spell doesn't kill them, you'll weaken them drastically. | |
Blackrock | Elemental | Double Dragon: Cast a second wave in the opposite direction. | This literally doubles the spell damage. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | ||||
Tier Reason: The hardest spell to get in the game, where you'll need to beat Onyxia in order to unlock it, then the spell will show up in GRID. This spell deals slightly lesser overall damage compared to Blizzard, but has insane range. It also have better choices than Blizzard. Most of the talent choices can work, depending on what you need in your deck. | ||||
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Melee | Deadly Poison: Gain Poison. | This talent lets the Bandits deal damage through Armored units. But the Bandits have low health and low damage, by the time the Cheapshot stun is over, they'll be melted. | |
Defias Bandits | Squad | Pick Lock: Earn an extra +2 Gold when opening chests. | Best talent by far as it gives the Bandits the opportunity to provide extra 2 gold on opening chests . However, their damage is so low that it might take sometime for them to open up the chests. | |
Cheap Shot | Last Resort: On death, Stun the target for 3 seconds. | This talent lets you stun the target for 3 seconds when the Bandits die. Each summon gives you 2 bandits, so this could potentially be a chain of hard CC, that is if the bandits dies at the right time, making it very situational. | ||
Alliance | Cycle | |||
Gold Cost: 1 | Stealth | |||
Tier Reason: One of the cheapest minis you can get in the game. They deal very little damage but they have access to Stealth and Cheapshot. Cheapshot provides hard CC when the Bandits break from their Stealth through attacking. At only 1 Gold cost, there's very little risks to deploy them, and it's also a good way to cycle your deck. | ||||
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Flying | Mother Drake: Periodically summon a Whelp Egg. | The best talent among the 3 as it periodically spawns a Whelp Egg without talents. This could be used to buy time and also deal with the counter push by ground melee minis. | |
Drake | AoE | Engulfing Flames: Damaging enemies Burns them. | This lets Drake deal more DPS, but the Drake itself is already enough to melt enemies. This could be useful for some PvE maps for dealing with bosses. | |
Blackrock | Elemental | Roost: Perch on top of a nearby tower, staying there to defend it. | Roost lets you station your Drake on top of a tower. It's a very defensive and a situational talent. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | ||||
Tier Reason: A flying AoE Elemental dragon. Although its range is rather short, but they can wave clear insanely well and they can melt minis like Gargoyle, Footmen, etc. | ||||
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Flying | Wing Buffet: Increases move speed by 33%. | This talent remedies Gargoyle's biggest weakness, which is movement speed. Giving Gargoyle 33% movement speed makes it more threatening because once it reaches the Tower, it'll be able to dish out tons of damage. | |
Gargoyle | One-Target | Obsidian Statue: On death, summon a statue with Taunt. Lasts until destroyed. | This talent will spawn a statue with Taunt that lasts indefinitely until destroyed. However, Gargoyle needs to die in order to trigger this talent, where you could've instead summon a Quillboar or Earth Elemental to tank instead, which gives you more control to where they'll spawn. | |
Armored | Aerial Superiority: Incoming damage from Flying minis is reduced by 50%. | An overall niche talent that gives damage reduction from only enemy Flying minis. | ||
Undead | Siege Damage | |||
Gold Cost: 4 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: A 4 Gold cost Flying Armored Siege unit. However, being a siege unit means that you can only attack towers and bosses. Extremely tanky, but very slow. | ||||
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Flying | Infectious Swipes: Gain Poison. | Best talent overall as it grants poison to the Harpies' attacks and lets them to shred through Armored minis. | |
Harpies | Squad | Trinket Collectors: Gain the Miner trait. Cost increased by 1. | This talent allows them to mine gold, but the downside is that this increases their gold cost by 1; which tradeoff isn't as favourable in our opinion. | |
Beast | Fast | Talon Dive: Deal double damage on 1st attack. | Not as valuable as it only affects the first hit. Infectious Swipes is a better pick for sustainable DPS. | |
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: Best melee glass cannon in the game, which can literally obliterate anything as long as you can buy them time. Very fast movement speed and can attack both land and air units, at the price of being very frail. | ||||
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Ranged | Cult of the Damned: On kill, summon a Skeleton. | This lets you summon additional skeletons on kill, but considering how fragile the skeletons are and them being melee attacks, this will have them take the brunt of the damage. Most of the time they won't be able to do much before dying. | |
Necromancer | One-Target | Jeweled Skulls: Summon Skeletal Mages instead of Skeletons. | Lets Necromancer summon Mages instead of Warriors, which are ranged minis that can apply Frost on attacks. Makes Necromancer deal more DPS and provide soft CC from the Frost. | |
Undead | Elemental | Breath of the Dying: On death, summon 5 Skeletons. | Very situational skill as it requires the Necromancer to die in order to trigger the talent. Jeweled Skulls will always trigger which makes that talent bring in more value. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | Summoner | |||
Tier Reason: The only summoning mini in the game. By default, Necromancer will summon 2 skeleton warriors and will replace them when they die in battle. A great counter to Banshee where she would possess the skeletons instead. Necromancer also deals Elemental damage but only to one target. Gets hard countered by minis like Bat Rider, Flamewake, Huntress and S.A.F.E Pilot. | ||||
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Ranged | Frostfire Bolt: Gain Frost. | Lets Ogre Mage apply Frost on attack. Pairs very well with Grom as Grom can provide the much needed Bloodlust, while Ogre Mage applies Frost which significantly increases Grom's survival. | |
Ogre Mage | AoE | Ignite: Burn enemy targets. | Ignite applies burn on every attack. Pretty niche where it's only useful against targets that may turn into Stealth where DoTs will prevent Stealth from triggering. | |
Horde | Bloodlust | Avarice: Gain Bloodlust when Bloodlusting an ally. | The best talent overall because Ogre Mage can't cast Bloodlust on himself. Avarice lets you cast 2 Bloodlust in one go, which will significantly increase DPS output. | |
Gold Cost: 5 | Elemental | |||
Tier Reason: The only non leader mini that can cast Bloodlust, albeit with a pretty long cooldown. Pretty tanky for a backline unit, and has huge AoE splash damage while also being faster than the Pyromancer. However, the 5 Gold Cost makes it a pricey unit to summon. | ||||
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Ranged | Conflagrate: Splash area is doubled. | The best talent overall as it doubles the splash area damage as it's a good counter for mass units like March of the Murlocs from Murk-Eye. | |
Blackrock Pryomancer | AoE | Pyroblast: Deal triple damage on the first attack. | Lets Pyromancer deal triple damage on the first attack. This can only be played defensively since movement speed is insanely slow, and hard to use it offensively. Each Pyromancer only has 1 shot of this though. | |
Blackrock | Elemental | Blaze of Glory: Damage and Burn nearby enemies on death. | On Death effect talents are usually bad for ranged units unless you have a pocket strategy. | |
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: A ranged Elemental unit with splash damage. Can significant;y increase the splash area through a talent. Overall slow moving unit on top of being very fragile. However, it being a 3 Gold cost unit is pretty good. | ||||
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Melee | Questing Buddies: One Skeleton gains Armor, one gains Resist, and one gains Stealth. | This gives each of the Skeleton Warriors a defensive trait, Armored, Resistant, and Stealth. However, the Skeleton Warriors don't have much health so this won't help much. | |
Skeleton | Squad | Cackle: Gain Taunt. | The Skeleton Warriors aren't tanks and are insanely fragile so taunt doesn't benefit them well. It's better to summon an Earth Elemental with Taunt instead. | |
Undead | Cycle | Exhume: If deployed near a Tower or Meeting Stone, deploy +2 additional Skeletons. | This lets you summon 2 more skeleton warriors if placed near a meeting stone or tower (this also includes enemy towers). Overall great value for such a cheap cost unit. | |
Gold Cost: 2 | Unbound | |||
Tier Reason: Summons 3 Skeleton Warriors anywhere on the map with only 2 gold cost. Pairs very well with Grom and Rivendare as Bloodlust will speed up their spawn animation. The downside is that all 3 of the Skeleton Warriors are very fragile. Most of their talents aren't great for PvP due to the nerf on unbound placement. | ||||
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Ranged | Earthwall Totem: Once per deploy, place a totem that partially heals a nearby tower or base. | This places a totem that heals nearby tower or base. A relatively niche PvP talent that may be useful on certain matchups. | |
Frostwolf Shaman | One-Target | Lightning Mastery: Ranged attack chains to 3 nearby targets. | Turns her into an Elemental Huntress. But overall not as worth the pick up as her initial damage isn't that great. The Shaman is mainly picked for her heals anyways. | |
Horde | Elemental | Earth Shield: Grant Armored to a nearby ally. Ability has 1 charge. | Applies a permanent Armored Trait to the closest unit. However, this talent only has 1 charge so the placement is very important. But still the best value talent overall. Pairs very well with Flamewaker, Drakkisath, Core Hounds, etc. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | Healer | |||
Tier Reason: The only non leader healer in the game with access to AoE heals. The downside is when she's healing, she can't output damage and vice-versa. Her damage output isn't great either but she has good synergy with tanks as she can give them more survivability. However, the 4 Gold Cost is pretty pricey. | ||||
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Melee | Pummel: After connecting a charge, Stun the target for 3 seconds. | Lets Stonehoof Tauren stun the enemy after charging them. Most backlines would die from 1 charge along with a normal attack. Without Momentum, most of the units you charge will be tanks, so there's not a lot of value there, plus Stonehood Tauren isn't very tanky either. | |
Stonehoof Tauren | One-Target | Momentum: After connecting a charge, immediately charge a second time if possible. | Momentum lets Stonehoof Tauren charge again as long as another target is available. This is the best talent that lets you charge priority target after charging their tank. However, depending on the placement of the opponent, there's a slight chance this talent may not trigger. | |
Horde | Charge | Provoke: After connecting a charge, Taunt nearby enemies. | Not as valuable as you'll be drawing the aggro as you charge in. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: An offensive tank that can charge the backline. While not the tankies tank, they can instantly close the distance. Out of other 2 tanks that can disrupt the backline (Cairne and Abomination), Stonehoof Tauren is the most affordable one. | ||||
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Melee | Saboteur: Damaging a tower reduces its damage dealt by 50% for 3 seconds. | This lets Raider reduce tower damage by 50% when damaging them. If the Raider manages to damage a tower, they'll bring it down relatively fast so there's not much value with this talent. | |
Warsong Raider | One-Target | Razing Focus: Become a Siege unit, ignoring troops. | This allows Warsong Raider to ignore other minis and focus on towers only. Making this the best PvP talent. | |
Fast | Sunder Armor: Damaging an Armored enemy removes their Armor. | This talent removes enemy Armor by damaging them. Very situational. | ||
Horde | Siege Damage | |||
Gold Cost: 4 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: A PvP Siege unit. Fast, tanky and great at dealing with towers and bases. Like all siege units, not all PvE maps have towers, making her relatively niche. Most of her talents are pretty niche as well so use at your own risk. | ||||
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Spell | Brilliant Flash: On deploy, Stun enemies within for 1 second. | On top of stunning enemies for 1 second. The most important effect is that it'll reset the aggro and affected enemy units will re-target their attacks to the nearest target. |
Chain Lightning | AoE | Storm’s Reach: Dramatically increase jump distance between targets. | Increases the jump of chain lightning by a lot. But doesn't do much. | |
Horde | Cycle | Reverberation: Can be cast a second time. | This lets you cast Chain Lightning a second time for additional 2 Gold cost, basically doubling the damage. But the damage is not significant to begin with, so this doesn't do much. It might pair well with Thalnos, but be mindful that it'll cost 4 gold total. | |
Gold Cost: 2 | Elemental | |||
Tier Reason: Unlocked for free and one of the cheapest AoE spell damage. Best to use against squishy squad units. It only applies damage and doesn't do much untalented. | ||||
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Melee | Dark Iron Armaments: After Mining, gain Armored. | This grants Dark Iron Miner Armored, giving him the much needed tankiness. | |
Dark Iron Miner | One-Target | Gold Mine: After Mining, drop a proximity mine. Damages nearby enemies when touched. | Gold Mine will drop a proximity mine after mining. Might be useful for certain PvP matchups. | |
Miner | Dwarven Ambition: Gain Fury. | Gives the Fury trait to Dark Iron Miner. Since he can't tank or deal much damage, it's very rate to see him survive in the frontlines and deliver enough DPS to justify picking up this talent. | ||
Blackrock | Unbound | |||
Gold Cost: 2 | Cycle | |||
Tier Reason: A 2 Gold unbound kobold. Cheap and great to cycle your deck, and able to reach unreachable chest or mines. However, that's about it and the unit doesn't bring a lot of damage or tankiness. | ||||
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Siege Specialist | Ready to Rumble: Taunt on deploy | Gives Taunt to the Elemental. However, if you can time the summon correctly, you won't need this talent at all. | |
Earth Elemental | One-Target | Shrapnel Blast: Destroying a tower deals damage to nearby enemies. | Deals AoE damage to nearby enemies when destroying towers. Very very situational, not worth the pick up. | |
Armored | Obsidian Shard: On death, split into two smaller Earth Elementals. | Best talent by far as it will summon 2 smaller Earth Elemental on death, which fits the goal of distracting and soaking up damage. | ||
Siege Damage | ||||
Blackrock | Tank | |||
Gold Cost: 3 | Unbound | |||
Tier Reason: 3 Gold Unbound Siege Unit. Armored by default, and able to take down towers with some minor DPS support. However, the Earth Elemental will ignore every other minis (and chests), and will only focus on bosses and towers. | ||||
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Spell | Bloodthirsty: Bloodlust allies within spell area for 10 seconds. | Applies 10 seconds of Bloodlust to allied minis within the spell area. Best DPS boost compared to other talents. | |
Execute | AoE | Killing Spree: If an enemy is killed, the next Horde mini costs 1 less. | This talent gives 1 gold discount on Horde minis, if the spell manages to kill something. Both conditions makes this talent very niche. However, if this is the only Horde mini in your deck, you'll be able to have 2 gold cost per Execution cast. Very situational. | |
Horde | Overpower: Knock enemies away from the cast location. | This talent works like Li-Ming's Wave of Force (from Heroes of the Storm). Potentially can be used to disrupt opponent formation. Might be useful for PvP. | ||
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: Culls 50% of the max HP of the enemy by default (vs same level). This is a great spell to deal with high HP units like Abominations, Grunts, Molten Giant,etc. One good thing about this spell is that it deals damage instantly. | ||||
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Melee | Immolation Aura: Periodically Damage nearby enemies. | This talent periodically lets Fire Elemental deal small AoE damage around him, which increases its DPS and is a great way to cancel Stealth. | |
Fire Elemental | AoE | Molten Core: On death, summon a pool of lava, Damaging enemies within. | This summons a very long duration lava pool upon death, Might be useful for creating terrain advantage in PvP matchups. | |
Elemental | Fan The Flames: Taking Elemental damage increases Damage dealt by 10%. Stacks to 30%. | This gives a Elemental boost by up to 30% if you get hit by Elemental Damage. You're better off summoning a Pyromancer behind the Fire Elemental. | ||
Blackrock | Resistant | |||
Gold Cost: 4 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: A slow 4 gold cost tank. Having Resistant means it'll take 50% damage from Elemental damage, and it also deals AoE Elemental damage by default. | ||||
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Ranged | Moultin’ Metal: Deal 50% more damage to Flying enemies. | Lets Firehammer deal 50% more damage to Flying enemies. Blazing Speed also does the same, and applies to both Air and Ground units so it's better to pick that. | |
Firehammer | One-Target | Blazing Speed: Fury builds up to 40% higher. | Increases her Fury build up to 40%, significantly increasing her DPS. | |
Blackrock | Elemental | Heightened Rage: Level up upon reaching full Fury. | This levels Firehammer everytime she reaches full Fury. Unless it's permanent, it's not as valuable. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | Fury | |||
Tier Reason: The slightly more expensive version of the Darkspear Troll. Costs 4 gold and deals single target Elemental damage. Having Fury by default makes her the best Anti-Air unit in the game. But most air units aside from the Gargoyle are very squishy by default, which makes the 4 Gold cost hard to justify. | ||||
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Ranged | Heat Stroke: Damaging enemies Dazes them. | This applies Daze on damage. Considering how Daze only slows movement speed, this talent doesn't bring in much value. | |
Flamewaker | AoE | Engulf: Burn enemies. | This talent applies burn on damage. Backline units are mainly very squishy and can die in 1 or 2 hits, so this doesn't do much, unless you need it to deal with the tanky frontlines. | |
Blackrock | Bombard | Backdraft: Successive attacks increase flame wave distance. Resets on movement. | This increases the wave distance with each subsequent attack. Could potentially eliminate the backlines before they reach the battlefield. | |
Gold Cost: 4 | Elemental | |||
Tier Reason: A 4 Gold Cost unit that only attacks Ground units. The great thing about Flamewaker is he can damage the backlines, but there's also other units that can do the same thing but cheaper, like Bat Rider, S.A.F.E Pilot, etc. More expensive units like Black Arrow Sylvanas or Huntress can do the same but be able to hit both Air and Ground units. | ||||
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Melee | Bone Shield: Cannibalizing grants Armored for 10 seconds. | Grants Armored for 10 second after Cannibalizing,. Providing more tankiness is always good overall. | |
Ghoul | One- Target | Ravenous: Cannibalizing grants Bloodlust for 10 seconds. | Considering that the Ghoul is a Tank and not a DPS, this talent might not be too useful. | |
Cannibalize | Taste for Blood: Deal 50% additional damage to enemies who are below 50% health. | Lets Ghoul deal 50% more damage on enemies below 50% health. Could potentially pair well with Execution, but Ghoul is not a DPS. This talent might work on some specialised deck to capitalise on this. | ||
Undead | Cycle | |||
Gold Cost: 2 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: A cheap 2 gold tank that can regenerate health by eating up corpses. Doesn't have high health but it's cheap. | ||||
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Melee | Rabid: Reduce deploy cost by 1 and gain the Cycle trait. | Overall reduces the cost of Gnoll Brute to 2, making it cheaper and more affordable. The best talent by far as it can also help you cycle through your deck for better cards. | |
Gnoll Brute | AoE | Pillage: Deal Siege damage. | This gives Gnoll Siege Damage, which may potentially pair well with Sneed. Considering that Gnoll doesn't do as much damage, this talent might not bring in much value. | |
Beast | Tank | Thick Hide: Gain Armor. | Gives Armor to Gnoll, which is a pretty good talent. With 3 Gold, this makes Gnoll the cheapest Armored unit available, tied with the Earth Elemental. | |
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: Cheapest tank that deals AoE damage. Unlocked by default. Not the best at tanking and not the best at dealing AoE damage. | ||||
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Flying | Air Drop: Periodically drop a potion, Leveling Up the first ally to touch it. | This talent could potentially pair well with units like Thalnos or Sneed, but it requires a planned route for it, since the longer the Rider survives, the more potions she'll drop. Too situational to gain significant value. | |
Gryphon Rider | One-Target | Odyn’s Fury: Gain Fury. | Could potentially be a really good talent if the Rider survives long enough to utilise it. Most of the time that's not the case. | |
Alliance | Cycle | Mighty Throw: Gain +3 Range. | This gives Gryphon rider and additional 3 range, making her an 8 range flying unit. Considering how squishy she is, getting to stay further away from the frontlines makes her counter certain units better. | |
Gold Cost: 2 | ||||
Tier Reason: Unlocked by default, doesn't deal a lot of damage and has very short range by default, on top of being relatively slow. But at 2 Gold cost as well as a Flying Ranged unit, there's not much to complain about. | ||||
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Melee | Trojan Chickens: On death, spawn 4 Angry Chickens. | Best value so far since you'll summon 4 mini distractions while resurrecting. | |
Harvest Golem | One-Target | Unstable Core: On death, Stun nearby enemies for 3 seconds. | Unstable Core gives a 3 second stun on death, and you can do it twice per deploy. Maybe useful but a little situational. | |
Alliance | Rebirth | Bountiful Harvest: On death, apply a Heal over time effect to nearby allies. | Applies a AoE Heal over time effect on death, which isn't useful if the backlines are undamaged, or if the Harvest Golem is tanking alone. | |
Gold Cost: 3 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: A 3 gold cost tank with a built in Rebirth. Doesn't have Armored nor Resistant, and the only thing it does is tanking. Doesn't have great movement speed either. | ||||
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Ranged | Meat And Bones: Every other attack summons a Skeleton instead of dealing damage. | A rather tricky talent to pick. It may work well with Mirror Images Grom/ Cairne/ Rivendare. Grom and Cairne can reset aggro, and skeletons may buy more time. Rivendare can either Bloodlust or heal himself. But doing so much prep to make this talent work makes it not as worth it. | |
Meat Wagon | AoE | Filet Trebuchet: Increase Bombard Range by +2. | Increases the overall range by 2, which is always useful. This talent ties with Greased Gears, as 11 range might be good enough. | |
Bombard | Greased Gears: Gain Fury. | Increases DPS over time. You can pick this over Filet Trebuchet if you want more DPS. | ||
Undead | Longshot | |||
Gold Cost: 3 | Siege Damage | |||
TIer Reason: Has 11 range by default, and because it only attacks ground unit makes the Meat Wagon be so low on the tier list. Does good damage, but can be nullified by enemy melee units (Quilboar, Skeletons, etc) It deals AoE on range, single target on melee. If leave unchecked, it can take down a tower on its own for free. | ||||
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Ranged | Safety Bubble: Deploy with a bubble that blocks the first attack. | Greatly increases their survivability as it grants them a shield that blocks the first attack. | |
Murloc TIdehunters | Squad | Careful Aim: Gain +2 Range. | Increases the overall range to 8.5 range. Lets Murloc take on Drake, Bat Rider at a safe distance. | |
Beast | Cycle | Morelocs: Deploy with +1 additional Murloc. | Give you 50% more DPS by summoning an extra Murloc. | |
Gold Cost: 2 | Fast | |||
Tier Reason: Fast and cheap ranged unit. Good unit for cycling decks for better cards. However, both Murlocs are very squishy and have a rather short 6.5 range as a ranged mini. | ||||
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Spell | Golden Fleece: One sheep becomes golden. Killing it grants +1 gold. | Makes one sheep you Polymorph into a golden sheep, killing it within the time frame will give an extra gold. Could potentially make the spell into a 2 gold cost spell. | |
Polymorph | AoE | Exploding Sheep: Killing a sheep Damages nearby enemies. | Unless you're very underpowered, this talent is very situational. | |
Beast | Stable Transfiguration: Lasts twice as long, but sheep regenerate health very quickly. | Doubles the CC duration at the cost of giving them health regeneration. Overall not worth the pick up. | ||
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: Turns all enemies into Sheep, removing all their defensive traits. One of the best CC spells in the game, but it doesn't work on bosses. | ||||
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Melee | Lone Wolf: On deploy, grant +1 gold if no allies are nearby. | Sounds good on paper but the range of condition is huge. This makes the talent very situational because sometimes the area would cover 2 lanes, giving you limited placement opportunities. | |
Worgen | One-Target | Premeditation: Increase Ambush damage by 50%. | Increases Ambush damage by 50%, giving Worgen the extra kick needed to one shot enemies when breaking from Stealth. | |
Ambush | Frenzy: On kill, gain Bloodlust for 10 seconds. | Not very useful in base rush scenarios, and a little situational compared to Premeditation. | ||
Alliance | Stealth | |||
Gold Cost: 3 | Unbound | |||
Tier Reason: High DPS Unbound Stealth melee unit. Downside is he has a howling animation when spawned, so it takes a while before he can start attacking or moving. | ||||
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Melee | On The Prowl: Gain Stealth, and stun the target when attacking from Stealth. | Can be paired with Smoke Bomb to chain the stun. Overall better talent unless you're running a Beast deck. | |
Prowler | One-Target | Pack Leader: Grants nearby Beast allies 30% additional Damage. | Pick this up if you're running a Beast deck as it grants them 30% additional Damage. | |
Beast | Fast | Predatory Instincts: Deal double damage to enemies who are at more than 75% health. | Lets Prowler deal double damage to enemies who are 75% health and above. Very situational and doesn't provide much support. Could potentially OHKO health squishes, but it is impossible for Prowler to get past the frontlines. | |
Gold Cost: 3 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: Fast moving Tank. Can lunge to enemies to close the distance on top of having very good DPS. However, they have lesser health than Ghouls. | ||||
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Melee | 5-Man: Summons a Skeleton Tank, Rogue, Priest, and 2 Mages. | The Tank it summons has Taunt, Rogue has Stealth, and Priest can heal. However, they're still very fragile. | |
Skeleton Party | Squad | Corpse Run: Gain +1 level for each deploy after the first. (Maximum +3 levels) | Corpse Run levels the skeleton permanently after 1st summon onwards. Have a level cap of +3 so it's not great. With such a low level cap, even if you strategically run a deck for this, it's not going to be worth it. | |
Elemental | Ritual of Rime: Summon 5 Skeleton Mages who guard the deploy location. | This talent lets you summon 5 skeleton mages instead. The downside is they will guard the deploy location. Pairs very well with Apocalypse Cheat Death. They will be able to move once resurrected at base. | ||
Undead | Frost | |||
Gold Cost: 4 | Unbound | |||
Tier Reason: By default summons 3 skeleton mages and 2 skeleton warriors. All of them are very fragile, and there is a short time frame of the summoning process before they can do anything. Used to be better before the PvP Unbound nerf. Can provide the much needed DPS on bosses when someone else is tanking. | ||||
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Melee | Blood Pact: When a Grunt dies, the other gains Bloodlust. | Gives a permanent Bloodlust to the surviving grunt when the other dies. Most of the time Grunt will dies shortly after each other, so it's a bit hard to capitalise on this. | |
Warsong Grunts | Squad | Guard Duty: Remain at deploy location until entering combat. | Lets you guard a location until entering combat. Good for certain PvE maps but very situational. | |
Horde | Fury | Command: Nearby Beast allies deal 30% additional Damage. | Best paired with a beast deck. But considering most Beast have fast movement speed, it's better to summon Grunts first the only deploying the beasts. | |
Gold Cost: 5 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: 5 Gold cost is really expensive. However both of them have surprisingly high health (higher health than Core Hounds), so they can tank really well. Having Fury means given enough time, they could start dealing insane DPS. | ||||
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Melee | Fiery Rebirth: On Resurrection, damage nearby enemies. | Deals damage on resurrection. Would be very useful if both hounds are on the same lane. |
Core Hounds | Squad | Guard Dog: Deal 50% additional damage near friendly towers and meeting stones. | Gives 50% bonus near friendly towers or meeting stone, making this a very defensive talent. If you have 6 gold when the enemy is near your tower, it's best to deploy better troops instead . | |
Blackrock | Resistant | Eternal Bond: Resurrection range is unlimited. | In theory, this is the best talent for splitting the units up. However, there's currently a bug on resurrection where sometimes it won't trigger. | |
Gold Cost: 6 | Revive | |||
Tier Reason: Summons a pair of Core Hounds that could infinitely resurrect each other. Inherently have Resistant which makes it pretty tanky and deals good damage. However, the mini's costs are too expensive comparing to the value it's providing. The resurrection animation takes around 2-3 seconds, and while chanelling there's no DPS from the hound. There's also a bug if it's on a bridge as sometimes the Hounds won't resurrect each other. | ||||
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Melee | Shield Bash: Periodically Stun the target for 1 second. | Could potentially chain stun a boss. The CC also helps make the Footmen survive the frontline longer. | |
Footmen | Squad | Fortification: Gain 30% extra emtpy Health. | This Talent pairs well with a Tyrion deck. But there's not many healers in the game to capitalise on a massive empty health boost. | |
Alliance | Armored | Last Stand: Armor increases to 75% damage reduction when no other Footmen are nearby. | Great for split lane pushing, but considering that usually footmen takes damages together, the remaining health of the remaining footman might not be great to begin with. | |
Gold Cost: 5 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: Summons 4 Armored Footmen. These units can be split into different lanes effectively. However, they are very slow and each of them has lesser health than a Ghoul. Being Armored does make them a lot tankier, but elemental damages will still metl them easily. They're on the pricier side to summon as well. | ||||
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Siege Specialist | Extra BOOM: Deploy an additional +1 Goblin Sapper. | This talent gives a 50% damage boost, but since they're so slow, they will most likely perish before reaching the buildings. | |
Goblin Sapper | Squad | Rocket Powered Turbo Boots: Move twice as fast and gain the Fast trait. | Makes Goblin Sapper into a Fast mini. Because they're very fragile on their own, giving them speed makes the whole journey to buildings or towers shorter. | |
Horde | Cycle | Crude Gunpowder: On death, Burn nearby enemies. | This talent applies Burn on nearby enemies on death. However, speed is a lot better than this talent. | |
Gold Cost: 2 | Siege Damage | |||
Tier Reason: Cheap suicide minis that will only damage buildings. Only great at specific PvE maps and PvP. | ||||
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Spell | Inner Fire: Affected allies gain Armored and Resist for 5 seconds. | This talent basically gives 50% damage reduction on everything. With this, your squishes will also survive S.A.F.E Pilot crash. By far the best talent compared to the others. | |
Holy Nova | AoE | Renew: Also adds a heal over time to allies. | Gives additional Healing over Time. Not as great as providing 100% effective HP like Inner Fire. | |
Alliance | Elemental | Amplify Magic: Effects are doubled on all Elemental minis. | It's a relatively situational talent as it doubles the heals and damage on Elemental minis. | |
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: Deals damage to enemies and heal allies within the radius. Damage isn't particularly amazing, so it's more about the heal to keep important units alive. | ||||
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Spell | Seal Fate: Affected minis gain Bloodlust, but die when the effect ends. | Gives Bloodlust but kills the unit after 5 seconds. Could be countered by Taunt minis. The whole point of Cheat Death is to prevent the minis from dying, so this is a little redundant. | |
Cheat Death | AoE | Vampirism: Affected minis are Healed when dealing damage. | Gains you lifesteal from your attacks, potentially can buy a slightly little more time after the effect is over. By far the best overall talent this spell has to offer. | |
Undead | Apocalypse: Affected Skeletons Resurrect at your base when they die. | Will resurrect affected friendly skeletons at your base after they die. Good for specialised undead deck, pairs very well with Rivendare. | ||
Gold Cost: 3 | ||||
Tier Reason: Gives you 5 seconds of unkillable, buying you some precious time to down a boss or base. However, there will be times where you couldn't find an opportunity to cast the spell, so it's rather situational. | ||||
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Spell | Amplification: Sequential taps increase radius by 1. | The best default talent, as it increases radius by 1 on each subsequent cast. Most of the time you won't be casting the 3rd or 4th spell. Best of Thalnos. | |
Arcane Blast | AoE | Arcane Power: Spell sequence starts at rank 3 and ends at rank 4. | This talent lets you skip first 2 Arcane Blast, and go straight to level 3 and 4. Great for Charlga, you can potentially use 1 gold for level 3 and 4 cast each. | |
Alliance | Cycle | Torrent: Gain a level after casting Rank 4. | This talent is for prolonged battle where you keep spamming Arcane Torrent to level it up. Can also work with Charlga. However, it takes a lot of RNG and a lot of specialised minis for the deck. Might not be worth the time investment. | |
Gold Cost: 1,2,3,&4 | Elemental | |||
Tier Reason: AoE spells starts of with 1 gold, each level doubles the damage, at max you can cast the spell at 4 gold. Great for cycling your deck, and pairs very well with Thalnos and Charlga. Thalnos can level up on each spell cast, while Charlga can potentially cast each spell with 1 gold. Other than that, the spell is situational at best. | ||||
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Melee | Frenzied Spirit: When the Bear or Mountaineer die, the other gains Bloodlust. | Grants Bloodlust to either the bear or the hunter, depending on who survives. The hunter does have good stats, it's better to let the bear dies and let the hunter do the damage. | |
Mountaineer | Squad | Mend Pets: Heal up to 3 additional nearby Beasts when healing the Bear. | Mend Pets lets you heal 3 additional beasts units when you are healing the bear. Problem is most beasts minis are squishies. None of them will be tanking the frontlines except for Quilboar. | |
Alliance | Heal Squadmate | Intimidation: Bear gains Taunt. | Intimidation grants taunt to the bear. It's not great but better than Mend Pets. | |
Gold Cost : 6 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: Your typical Hunter class with a bear pet in WoW. On paper, it's a great unit because it has a tank and ranged DPS. The Hunter can also heal the pet tank. However the catch is, when the Hunter is healing the pet, he will not be DPS-ing. For a 6 gold cost unit, it doesn't excel well in both Tanking and DPS. | ||||
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Spell | Burden Of Fate: Affected enemies are Dazed. | It enough units are clumped up together, they would probably die anyways, so this talent is not worth it. | |
Living Bomb | AoE | Chain Reaction: Splash damage inflicts Living Bomb. | This talent lets the splash damage inflict living bomb, which could potentially spread and deal a lot more damage. | |
Blackrock | Elemental | Blast Radius: Also burn enemies within 10. | This talent also burn enemies nearby the radius and also remove Stealth. | |
Gold Cost: 6 | ||||
Tier Reason: At 6 gold cost, it's extremely expensive. Depending on the clumped enemy units, you can deal insane amount of damage. Useful on certain PvE map where you can deal huge damage to the boss directly and just cycle your cards. You can also talent Rend for a free living bomb when he dismounts, making this spell redundant. | ||||
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Ranged | Parting Gift: On death, summon a pumpkin. When touched, it Poisons nearby enemies. | This talent will summon a poisonous pumpkin on death, poisoning nearby enemies. Not as great in terms of value. | |
Plague Farmer | AoE | Virulence: On kill, Poison enemies near the target. | Virulence lets applies to near enemies on kill. Splashing Pumpkins would've done the job from the start anyways. | |
Bombard | Splashing Pumpkins: Increase Range by+1 and double the Splash area. | This talent increases the attack range by 1, and also doubles the Splash area. Poisoning more enemies means bringing in more value. | ||
Undead | Cycle | |||
Gold Cost: 2 | Poisonous | |||
Tier Reason: A cheap long range bombard unit. Cheap and deal AoE poison damage. This unit could go up a tier if it also classifies as Skeleton. The other downside is it only attacks ground units. Cheap but not great, there are better options such as Bat Rider. | ||||
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Melee | Strength In Numbers: Deal 10% more damage for each other Raptor nearby. | This talent lets you deal 10% damage for each nearby Raptors. Best DPS talent when you summon them all at once. | |
Raptors | Squad | Fast Food: On kill, heal a small amount of damage. | This talent lets you heal on kill. Most of the time Raptors are pretty fragile to survive encounters. Even if they do survive, the healing wouldn't be doing much anyways. | |
Beast | Cycle | Motivation: Gain Bloodlust while a chest or gold vein is nearby. | Motivation let Raptors gain Bloodlust near gold vein or chest. Pretty situational, only useful on certain PvE maps where gold veins and Chests are abundant. | |
Gold Cost: 1,2,& 3 | Fast | |||
Tier Reason: Speedy ground melee beast units, cost ranging from 1 to 3 gold per summon. Similar to Arcane Blast, each summon will require more gold, but summon an additional Raptor. Doesn't deal as much damage as Harpies, but have more than double the health. Pretty fragile, and doesn't deal as much damage as we hoped. | ||||
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Melee | Snackrifice: Nearby Beast allies can consume a Chicken to heal themselves. | This lets nearby Beast allies to consume them to recover. Beasts are generally very fragile to begin with, so most likely these little healings aren't going to help. |
Angry Chickents | Squad | Walking Crate: Deploy in a protective crate. When destroyed, Chickens emerge. | Chickens will emerge after the crate is destroyed. Pretty good to survive the initial hit. This may be better than Furious Fowl depending on your deck. | |
Beast | Cycle | Furious Fowl: Gain Fury. | Grants Fury to the chickens and this lets them actually have the ability to take down towers on their own. | |
Gold Cost: 2 | Fast | |||
Tier Reason: Summons 9 melee chickens. Good against single targeted units, but will melt after receiving any AoE damage. May be useful against some single targeted PvE boss. | ||||
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Melee | Threatening Presence: Gain Taunt. | Gives Molten Giant a permanent taunt. | |
Molten Giant | One-Target | Blood Of The Mountain: On death, explode, Damaging nearby enemies. | Deals AoE damage upon death, not much to say. | |
Armored | Bolster: Heal when destroying a tower. | Generally not useful, event Taunt is a better pick up. | ||
Blackrock | Siege Damage | |||
Gold Cost: 6 | Tank | |||
Tier Reason: Huge Armored ground mini. Deals single target Siege damage. Despite being Armored and having high health, this mini is not worth the gold. Minis like Harpies or Bat Rider would render this mini useless. Although it could deal high damage per attack, but the slow attack speed makes it easily distracted. | ||||
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Spell | Strangers in the Night: Effects apply to enemies as well. | Applies Stealth to both allies and enemies. This is to avoid confrontation 100%, which makes it very situational. | |
Smoke Bomb | AoE | Band Of Thieves: Grant +2 levels to Cycle minis within. | Cycle units are not that strong anyways, another additional level is not going to cut it. | |
Blackrock | Cycle | Through The Shadows: Affected minis Move 50% faster until unstealthed. | This talent is amazing for speeding up unit advancement. Can pair well with Extra BOOM Goblin Sapper. | |
Gold Cost: 1 | ||||
Tier Reason: 1 Gold spell that turns your minis invisible for a while. The usage of the spell itself is insanely niche, plus the invisible is not even permanent. The spell however is a great support spell for Stealth units such as Worgen and Maiev. It will create a small window for a huge burst of damage, especially for Remorseless Maiev, where she could Fan of Knives twice within a second. | ||||
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Melee | Bloated Carapace: Explode on death, Poisoning nearby enemies. | Allows the Spiderling to explode on death and applies Poison to surrounding enemies. | |
Spiderlings | Squad | Frostbite: Gain Frost. | Frost on attacks allows Spiderling to to slow enemy movement speed and attack speed. | |
Cycle | Envenom: Deal twice as much Poison damage. | The best possible talent for the Spiderlings in terms of DPS. | ||
Beast | Poisonous | |||
Gold Cost: 2 | Vulnerable | |||
Tier Reason: For 2 gold you'll be able to summon 3 poisonous melee Spiderlings. It is also a mini that have a permanent Vulnerable debuff where it'll take double damage from Elemental sources. Able to deal Poison but weak DPS and Fragile. | ||||
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Flying | Tendon Rip: Attacks Daze enemies for 3 seconds. | This talent allows them to Daze enemies which applies a movement speed debuff. | |
Vultures | Squad | Feeding Frenzy: The flock gains Bloodlust for 5 seconds when spawning a new Vulture. | Feeding Frenzy grants 5 seconds of Bloodlust to the flock on kill. But they still have low attack to fully make use of the skill. | |
Carrion | Migration: All additional Vultures spawn at your base. | This talent will spawn the Vulture back at base instead of spawning them on kill, which solves part of Vulture's problem. | ||
Beast | Cycle | |||
Gold Cost: 1 | Fast | |||
Tier Reason: For 1 gold you can summon a pair of Vultures that could multiply based on kills. However it has mediocre damage, doesn't have a gap closer, and most of them will clump up together and because they have such low health, any sort of AoE damage will just melt them. |
Hopefully, this guide will help your journey in Warcraft Rumble.