Most battles in Unicorn Overlord are a one-time thing, but there exist repeatable battles known as Sigil of the Ancients for you to take up the challenges. These stages are known as auxiliary stages and serve as a reliable way to test your tactical mind, and also for earning experiences for your characters and gather resources.
To begin challenging the Sigil of the Ancients in Unicorn Overlord, players would need to accept the initial quest “The Sigil’s Trial, Beginner 1” from the Shaman Selvie south of Fort Lonteria in Cornia. She would direct you to find Sigils, identified as stone carvings on the ground within the overworld, and interact with them, unlocking Trial battles you could challenge. Most of these Sigils are missable as they do not have quest markers marking them on both the map and the overworld. In this guide, we will show you all the locations of the Sigils and what rewards await you.
The Sigil’s Trial, Beginner 1
The first Trial is relatively easy to find, it is right on top of where you met Shaman Selvie, south of Fort Lonteria, in Cornia. The enemies you would encounter are Level 6, and you would acquire 5x Novice Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Beginner 2
The second Trial can be found southeast of Dreibaum Town, in Drakenhold. The enemies you would encounter are Level 10, and you would acquire 7x Novice Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Moderate 1
The first Trial of the Moderate difficulty can be found west of Fort Plaine, in Cornia. The enemies you would encounter in this Trial are Level 13, and you would acquire 5x Standard Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Moderate 2
Found northwest of the coliseum, in Drakenhold. The enemies you would encounter in this Trial are Level 15, and you would acquire 7x Standard Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Moderate 3
Found west of Satama Town, in Elheim. The enemies you would encounter in this Trial are Level 18, and you would acquire 9x Standard Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Advanced 1
Found south of Karayaksunn Town, in Elheim. The enemies you would encounter in this Trial are Level 21, and you would acquire 5x Expert Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Advanced 2
Found north of Domakom Town, in Bastorias. The enemies you would encounter in this Trial are Level 26, and you would acquire 7x Expert Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Advanced 3
Found west of Zagatul Harbor, in Bastorias. The enemies you would encounter in this Trial are Level 29, and you would acquire 9x Expert Military Treatise as a reward.

The Sigil’s Trial, Zenith
Last but not least, the Zenith difficulty Trial, which can be found in the center of Cornia. The enemies you would encounter in this Trial are Level 38, and you would acquire 5x Supreme Military Treatise as a reward.

For the first time completing these Trials, you will receive an exclusive unique set of rewards, but subsequent clears will yield resources instead, making a great way to farm up Experience, War Funds, and more. Additionally, as you repeatedly clear these Sigil Auxiliary Stages, you will begin to come up with more efficient strategies, making grinding up resources a lot easier.
If you are looking for more efficient ways to farm up gold and Honor in Unicorn Overlord, we have also prepared a guide for it, which you can read here.