The Resident Evil Village Lantern Puzzle is one of the weirder ones in the game, seemingly using the game’s physics engine to swing a lantern around to light torches to get rewards. While you’ll encounter this twice in Castle Dimitrescu, there’s a third Lantern puzzle fans might not be aware of.
Like any good Resident Evil game, Resident Evil Village has no shortage of secrets if you decide to go back and explore. One of these is a secret room, which won’t be accessible until you get the Crank from the third Lord’s area.
Getting To The Secret Room

To get to the Secret Room in Resident Evil Village, you’ll need to back through the Altar, the way you came when you first fled Castle Dimitrescu. Turn right once you get to the bridge that takes you to Castle Dimitrescu, and head down.
You’ll notice a raised bridge which would have been impossible to interact with, had you not unlocked the Crank from the Third Lord’s area. Activating this will give you access to a dock, where you can take a boat in one of two directions.

You’ll want to go left (where the boat is already facing) to head towards the secret room. Once you disembark, it’ll be up the hill, and you’ll enter a chamber with three doors.
Solving The Lantern Puzzle In Resident Evil Village
You might recognize this lantern puzzle from Lady Dimitrescu’s castle, early on in Resident Evil Village where you have to swing the lantern to light up the torches. However, there’s a third one this time that’s a little out of reach of the lantern. Don’t worry about that for now, just focus on the first two.
You might be tempted to save ammo by knifing these, but the lantern won’t swing enough. You’ll have to shoot the lantern to give it the kick to reach the torches, but thankfully some of the crates in the room will drop ammo for you.
The door on the right is the one you’ll want to open first, and it’s pretty straightforward. Just line up the lantern with the torch, then pop a cap in it and watch it open the door.
Your reward? Enemies. The sword enemies from Lady Dimitrescu’s castle will start crawling through a crack in the wall, shambling towards you. They seem to spawn endlessly, so don’t bother killing them since you’ll need one alive to get to the third door. The second door opens just as easily as the first, and you can use it to get some Lei for your wallet.
Now, on to the third door itself. You’ll want to bait the sword enemies towards the lantern, swinging it at them to light them on fire. Once they’re ignited, just bait them towards the torch, and watch as it ignites from coming into contact with the enemy. The door behind it will open, earning you the Gold Lady Statue, the closest thing you’ll get to a figurine of Lady Dimitrescu in real life. You can sell this to The Duke for a lot of money, too.
It’s a really cool puzzle, though it’s easy to panic and lose all your ammo trying to get the lantern to hit the distant torch. Or worse yet, putting down all the enemies that come pouring out the hole. Make sure to keep a cool head and make yourself a pretty penny if you want to run away with some valuable treasure without having to top up your own ammo supplies.