As the Eternal Engine finally comes to a stop, Punishing Gray Raven global welcomes the coming of Nona Ouroboros, the game’s next event. The event will be ongoing until 21 December, 2021.
Like with most of our previous event guides, we’ll go through the content offered in this new event, as well as how to prepare for it.
Nona Ouroboros Event Overview
As for Constructs, the event only adds one new unit—Chrome: Arclight, an A-rank Tank Construct. Being a lightning-element Tank, Arclight has a definite place in lightning teams, until he eventually gets outclassed by S Vera who will probably come out in over a year’s time. Until then, Chrome: Arclight will be Bianca: Veritas’s best friend (for increasing DPS).
While A Chrome is great, F2P players should refrain from pulling for him, mainly because of 2 reasons. First—Chrome: Arclight’s Inver Shards are farmable via his Interlude and the event shop. Second—you’ll want to save for Ice Lucia who comes out in the event after Nona Ouroboros. Regardless, if he is your husbando, then by all means, pull for him.
In addition, the event adds Chapter 11 of the game’s story, also named Nona Ouroboros. Like with all the previous events, it is recommended to save your Serum for the event stages instead. Chapter 11 will be a permanent addition to the game, unlike the event stages and other modes.
Cornered in Cruise
This is the main event stage that you’ll be spending most of your Serum on. Cornered in Cruise is basically a carbon copy of Eternal Throne in Eternal Engine. Be sure to get to Commandant level 40 as soon as possible as that is the minimum level required to take part in the event.
You’ll be farming for “Green Beetles“, the event currency this time around. Authority Levels also return as part of the event mechanic. Completing event stages will earn you experience that increases your Authority Level, which grants you higher damage, starting energy and access to more stages.
Event stages are also very simple:
- Farm TPB-1/3/5/7/9 for Green Beetles
- Farm TPB-2/4/6/8/10 for 6-star Memories (not recommended)
Both stages also drop Holographic Tickets, which are used to gain access to the Abyss Mode of Cornered in Cruise. Clearing Abyss Mode stages guarantees a 6-star Memory.
Event Shop – Virtual Mart
This is where you’ll be spending your Green Beetles. Unlike other the past Punishing Gray Raven events, the event shop for Nona Ouroboros will have several different 6-star Memories for sale. Focus on farming on the Memories that you need. For example, farm Heisen for Bianca: Veritas and Chrome: Arclight, or farm Einteina for your sub-DPS or Tank Constructs in elemental teams.
Besides that, be sure to also purchase all of the Chrome: Arclight event shards. Everything else after that, such as the Dorm units, is completely up to you.
Reddit user u/Demondayo on the Punishing Gray Raven subreddit calculated the Serum efficiency comparison between the Nona Ouroboros and Eternal Engine event shops, which you can see below:
Other Content
This section will touch on the other modes and content that will be part of Nona Ouroboros.
The event also brings with it its own version of APUS in Eternal Engine. Exploration Stage – Path of Stars is the new APUS. This roguelike mode is available for Commandants level 55 and above. Expect a guide from us for Path of Stars soon.
Also, an entirely new mode called Border Pact will also be available in the game. This mode is similar to Stronghold, with players having to form several teams of Constructs to take on multiple missions in a row. Border Pact will be available for Commandants level 70 and above.
The new Boss Challenge stage is called Abode of Gods. Clear all the stages once and that is the end of it.
In addition, Rosetta returns in this event as an enemy in the co-op stage, together with her new Overclock Difficulty (Hell level).
Finally, most of the game modes above will reward players with Electronic Stamps, which are used for the event’s milestone reward system. Redeem Electronic Stamps for various rewards in Financial Terminal, which is accessible alongside Virtual Mart.
We hoped you find our guide for the Nona Ouroboros event in Punishing Gray Raven useful. Be sure to follow the game on Twitter to stay updated with all the latest developments.
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