Fallen Star is the second event in Punishing Gray Raven, dropping hot off the heels of Frozen Darkness and the craze for Alpha.
This guide will teach you the best way to tackle Fallen Star, especially for free-to-play players. Even if you are a light or heavy spender, some of the tips compiled below may be useful to you!
Fallen Star Event Overview
Fallen Star lasts just over 4 weeks in Punishing Gray Raven. Just like Frozen Darkness before it, F2P should aim to complete and farm the Mass Deterioration event missions to earn Heteromer Samples for the event shop (Aerial Supply).
Even though the name of the event is Fallen Star, it is recommended not to complete the new Main Story Chapter 9 – “Fallen Star”, which is unlocked during the event for Commandants level 40 and above. Save your stamina for Mass Deterioration as Chapter 9 does not give Heteromer Samples. Chapter 9 Fallen Star is available permanently in the game, unlike Mass Deterioration.
The event as a whole adds two new Constructs—Watanabe: Astral (aka Dark Watanabe) and Ayla: Brilliance. Both are A-Rank Constructs, with Dark Watanabe being an Attacker and Ayla being a Tank. For F2P players, it is advisable not to roll for them via gacha.
This is because both Constructs are obtainable simply by farming their inver shards through their Interlude missions. Also, Dark Watanabe can be gotten through the Heteromer Layer Experiment lottery, another fully F2P option. Ultimately, F2P players should save their Black Cards for S Bianca in the next event, who is only available via gacha, unlike Dark Watanabe and Ayla.
Finally, note there are a bunch of quality of life improvements that come with the update, the most important one being the Dorm mission which gives Serum M. Be sure to take care of your Dorm for the extra stamina!
Mass Deterioration
This is where F2P players should spend most of their time and stamina for the rest of the month. Note that Mass Deterioration is only available for Commandants level 40 and above, so be sure to grind up to that level first.
Like Arctic Night in Frozen Darkness, Mass Deterioration is where you’ll take on the event missions for the Fallen Star event. After clearing all of the event missions (both Normal and Challenge) the first time for the clear rewards, here is where you should farm:
- QL-1 for Heteromer Samples
- QL-3 for Memories
Note that QL-2 and QL-4 give the same amount of rewards as QL-1 and QL-2 respectively, but take longer to complete. In terms of efficiency, QL-1 and QL-3 are better for farming.
Besides farming Mass Deterioration, be sure to clear all the Black Flash missions once (they are the equivalent of Azure Scar in Frozen Darkness).
Event Shopping
The event shop for Fallen Star is called Aerial Supply. Your Heteromer Samples will be spent here. Your top purchase priority is Heteromer Crystals, which is the resource needed for Heteromer Layer Experiment. Heteromer Layer Experiment is basically a lottery that can get you various rewards, ranging from Dark Watanabe himself to the new 6-star Memory that comes with this event – Bathlon.
Bathlon, which is known as Baron or Basilione in other versions of the game, is the go-to Memory of choice for Dark damage dealers. This is basically the Shakespeare/Heisen equivalent for Dark teams. Besides Heteromer Layer Experiment, Bathlon is also purchasable through the Event Shop. For F2P players, if you plan to fully resonate Bathlon, you should only buy 10 Bathlon as you can get the remaining 2 from Heteromer Layer Experiment. In most builds for Dark Watanabe (and even Kamui: Tenebrion), Bathlon 4, 5 and 6 are preferred over Bathlon 1,2 and 3 due to Darwin and Einsteina being better in the top slots.
Other items being sold in this event include the Spring Breeze skin for Liv: Lux and 2 dorm furniture. These do not directly impact gameplay, so F2P players might consider getting these for collection purposes. Otherwise, these should be skipped.
Once you got all the Heteromer Crystals and the Bathlon you want, you should spend the remaining Heteromer Samples on the resources which you need, like cogs, Memory Enhancers, etc.
Straylight Terminal and Babel Tower
The infamous skin gacha—Straylight Terminal is basically Heteromer Layer Experiment for whales. There is a chance to get the Volatile Priestess coating for Alpha here.
You have to spend Rainbow Cards (basically real money) for pulls and as a result, it is not advisable for F2P players. While it is possible to get lucky and get Alpha’s skin early on, the vast majority of F2P players won’t. If you are really unlucky, you might even need to spend upwards of $100+ USD to be guaranteed the skin.
Babel Tower is a new game mode for Commandants level 60 and is widely regarded as the hardest content the game has to offer. Note that this is a permanent addition to the game. We’ll cover more about Babel Tower in a future guide, so stay tuned.
We hoped you find our guide for the Fallen Star event in Punishing Gray Raven useful. Be sure to follow the game on Twitter to stay updated with all the latest developments.
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