While KonoSuba: Fantastic Days may be a light-hearted game, it can be rather in-depth with its mechanics—this is where this guide comes in. It will be focusing on progression for new players. If you are looking for a guide on recommended characters to recruit and invest in, you may refer to our KonoSuba: Fantastic Days tier list instead.
This beginner guide is targeted towards F2P (free-to-play) players. Even if you plan to spend money in KonoSuba: Fantastic Days, the advice and tips in this guide will still prove relevant to you.
Without further delay, let’s dive into this beginner guide for KonoSuba: Fantastic Days.
Should you reroll?
Rerolling is highly recommended for F2P players in KonoSuba: Fantastic Days. There is no need to uninstall and reinstall the app. Rerolling is very quick and simple and can be done in less than a minute. To reroll:
- At the main screen, tap on Menu, then Profile, then Remove Acc
- Type ‘Reset Account’
- Tap OK
- Skip all the cutscenes and tutorial
- Reroll
Keep repeating steps 1 – 5 until you are satisfied.
Note that unlike most gacha games where the first banner pull is fixed with certain units, Fantastic Days’ tutorial pull is completely random. Remember to claim the Quartz from Gifts to make another 10-pull. All in all, you can make 2 10-pulls before rerolling your account. Also, don’t forget to use the 4-star and 3-star tickets before rerolling as they can give you 4-star characters.
Progression Basics
To ensure you have fantastic days ahead, your primary focus in the early game as a F2P player is to increase your rank. Most of the game’s content is locked behind higher player ranks. You should aim to get to rank 10 as fast as possible to unlock the Battle Arena, ideally within the first day of playing. When you reach rank 18, you would have unlocked the last feature which is to craft 4-star equipment at the Smithy.
When you first start out, focus on completing the Story Quests. It is your source of Quartz early game. You can also get more by viewing unlocked cutscenes in the Story menu. While doing this, only use the same three characters in your party. This is because characters gain experience and raise their affinity when completing missions. Not only does affinity give bonus stats, they also increase the potency of the character’s ultimate at ranks 5, 10, 15 and 20. Also, getting their affinity to rank 3 and 7 unlocks their cutscene in the Story Meny, which gives 30 quartz the first time you view them.
It also goes without saying, clear the Daily Missions everyday, assign your characters to Jobs, take part in the Battle Arena and do not forget to do all the Hard Quests that you are strong enough to complete. You unlock Hard Quests after clearing an entire Chapter in Normal difficulty. Hard Quests are limited to 3 runs per day, but they have a chance of dropping Legendary crafting resources. Focus on getting your party as strong as possible to be able to clear new Hard and Normal Quests (to unlock more Hard Quests).
Note that as a new player, stamina in KonoSuba: Fantastic Days (denoted by the meat icon) is extremely abundant, so much so that you will usually have it over the limit. Stamina regenerates pretty fast at 3 minutes per stamina. Also, every time you rank up, you get stamina. In the early game, DO NOT redeem stamina from Gifts. Getting the 400 stamina reward lowers your efficiency. The only stamina you should redeem is from daily missions, ideally when your stamina is low. Note that in the mid to late game, stamina will be harder to get, so it is best to save your meat items from the early game.
Also, do not waste your Skip Tickets on Quests that consume 5 or 10 stamina. ONLY spend them on 15 stamina cost Quests for maximum efficiency. This would usually be the higher tier Free Quests.
Team Building
The previous section of the guide recommended that you only focus on three characters to progress in KonoSuba: Fantastic Days. However, as you rank up, you will be able to assign Rear and Sub members to your party. Rear members come in as replacements for your fallen Front members while Sub members are basically “equipment” that give 30% of their stats to the equipping party member.
Ideally, your Sub members should be different variants of the party member. This is because they provide 10% more stats than a Sub member that is not the same character as the party member. For example, your 4-star Iris will gain more stats from equipping a 3-star Iris and 2-star Iris as Sub members. Also, another factor to consider is the Sub member’s Trait. You may sometimes opt to use non-matching characters as Sub members simply because of the Trait they provide, such as increased physical/magical/specific elemental damage.
Early game, focus on levelling and raising the affinity of your 4-star characters in your party (which are ideally based on our tier list). Do not worry too much about elements or synergy as you can always enhance and promote them to overcome a wall. Team building and synergy become more important when you have reached the level cap for your characters, but are still unable to clear a specific stage.
In this case, elemental damage becomes a major factor in battle. Enemies take 50% more damage from an element that they are weak against. Sometimes, you may have more success using your Sub members as Front members if they deal the proper elemental damage. Be sure to level them up in advance. Besides element type, other factors to consider when facing a tough enemy are whether they are weaker to physical or magical damage, or if they take more damage from a specific weapon type.
Finally, do not forget to equip weapons and accessories that you get from the Smithy.
Tips and Tricks
– Do not be fooled by Summer Melissa! Even though she is a 4-star unit, she is not worth rerolling for as F2P. Regular 4-star Melissa is the best unit in the game.
– In the long run, it is better to save your Goddess and Arena Medals for the equipment they give as they are the best in the game.
– In the Battle Arena, you may want to stall in the first 2 waves to build up your ultimate gauge to unload onto the boss.
– 3-star Lia (Lia: Rising Idol) is an extremely useful Sub member as she is currently the only character in the game who can increase ultimate charge speed.
– Certain characters have special quirks:
- Megumin always dies after using her ultimate
- Darkness almost never hits anything
- Aqua deals less damage against frogs
- Wiz gets damaged when healed by other characters (except Kazuma’s Drain Touch)
I hope you found this guide useful. You can also check out our KonoSuba: Fantastic Days character tier list.
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