The wise Prophet Cookie has come to shape the future of the Cookie Run Kingdom much like how he did as a character in Cookie Run Ovenbreak.
But how will this fortune-telling sage fair in an all-new land? Will he find paradise or perdition? We’ll take a look at his skill, best toppings, and playstyle and make some predictions of our own.
If you’re interested in Cookie Run Kingdom, check out our previous ‘Should You Use’ Cooke Run Kingdom character guides:
- Pumpkin Cookie
- Cotton Cookie
- Affogato Cookie
- Caramel Arrow Cookie
- Wildberry Cookie
- Crunchy Chip Cookie
- Oyster Cookie
- Financier Cookie
- Cream Unicorn Cookie
- Captain Caviar Cookie
- Candy Diver Cookie
- Macaron Cookie
- Carol Cookie
- Sherbet Cookie
- Pinecone Cookie
- Space Donut
The Skills of Prophet Cookie
Prophet Cookie is an epic tier support cookie that primarily stands in the back row. His skill is called Seven Prophecies. Here is the description of the skill:
Prophet Cookie delivers one out of seven prophecies. Upon invoking a prophecy, Prophet Cookie will heal an ally and amplify the buffs they receive. Additionally, an extra skill effect will be activated depending on the symbol of the prophecy, dealing damage to the enemies and amplifying the debuffs they receive.
The debuffs applied by the prophecies are weaker than those of the original skills. Some prophecies do not have any additional effects. While Prophet Cookie is using his skill, he will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects. Wandering around the Kingdom, Prophet Cookie will come up with Fortune Cookies every three days. Tap the Fortune Cookie to obtain a gift. The higher Prophet Cookie’s rank, the better gift!
Here are the stats for the skill:
- DMG of Seven Prophecies: total DMG will range from 103.6% to 250.5%
- Amplified Debuffs: +5.0% for 20 sec; stacks up to x1
- Healing: heals 10.0% of ATK every 1 sec for 5 sec
- Amplified Buffs: +17.5% for 20 sec; stack up to x1
- Locked Prophecy: activated upon exceeding 10.0% in CRIT% with Toppings
The Best Use of Prophet Cookie?
Please note, that as with every new Cookie added to Cookie Run Kingdom new strategies and uses are still being formed by the player base but this is what we found based on first impressions:
Prophet Cookie seems to be the Togepi of Cookie Run. His skill is more or less metronome, an attack that summons one of seven other attacks to use in battle. That being said, the majority of those attacks are pretty powerful and copy abilities from some of the best cookies in the game like Frost Queen Cookie’s freezing spell, Sea Fairy Cookie’s Whirlpools, or Squid Ink Cookie’s kaiju rampage. The stat buffs of these attacks aren’t as good as the real deal but they’re still pretty effective. The healing and stat buffs that can as he brings up the fortune cookie are a nice bonus as well.
The fact that the skill is so random can be seen as a downside but it’s honestly pretty manageable. For the most part, each different attack still hits pretty hard so you never feel like a turn with Prophet Cookie has gone to the waist. That being said, it is possible for him to fire an attack that does absolutely nothing which can be a detriment when in a fight. Once again though, the blank spell didn’t occur regularly enough for it to be annoying (it gains a higher chance of activating if you get below 10% crit percentage from topping though). For the most part, Prophet only seems to get good fortunes.
Best Toppings
The best toppings for Prophet Cookie would be Swift Chocolate for faster skill cooldown or Solid Almonds for higher damage resistance.
Between the two I personally preferred having full Swift Chocolate as Prophet Cookie is a very skill-dependent unit. Being able to access his fortunes quicker will make him more effective in battle.
Who Is Prophet Cookie
Prophet Cookie originates from Cookie Run Ovenbreak. He’s a fortune teller that many don’t believe is legitimate but he doesn’t mind as it means they’re all the more amazed when his fortunes come true. Here is his full bio presented in Kingdom:
This wizened Cookie is often called “Fortune Cookie” for his ability to know what’s coming before it happens. His Scroll of Prophecy tells him how he should run, giving him the confidence to jump and slide his way to victory, even if it isn’t always right. Some say the source of his foresight is his mysterious purple Crystal Ball, but in reality, it is his majestic beard!
Cookie Run Kingdom is available for iOS and Android