Granblue Fantasy: Versus will be getting a Legendary Edition, which will be inclusive of all currently available DLC. Vira and Avatar Belial round out the Character Pass 2, both launching 14 December 2021. Much with their Relink presentation, this segment has English subtitles and notes.
The Granblue bonuses for obtaining Vira and Avatar Belial will be a Lapis Merit and the “Forbidden Alter Ego” outfit for the main character. Vira is dubbed a balanced character, with a twist of okizeme play based around Luminiera when she transforms. Avatar Belial has short cooldowns, but comes at the cost of his own HP. Incidentally, Avatar Belial’s cosmetics are identical to his base version.
It’s also very important to note that Vira has a special win animation against Katalina.
Granblue Fantasy: Versus Legendary Edition is available for digital purchase on 14 December 2021, at 6578 yen RRP. A physical edition is planned to follow 3 March 2022. The bonuses for the main Granblue game are combined from the cumulative ones of the previous releases, and thus cannot be redeemed again if you had purchased the original release.
Additionally, the Granblue Fantasy Versus: Cygames Greatest Hits release will release simultaneously with the Legendary edition, at 2178 yen RRP. This is the base game, and has no serial code bonus.
Future updates will include:
- 14 December 2021:
- Lunalu
- Random select, changing playable character each round. Match history will list it as “Lunalu”
- Balance update to buff all characters
- Lunalu
- Spring 2022
- Connection Quality Display
- Summer 2022
- New battle systems (planned)
Last but not least, you can put in your vote for characters you want to see in the game here. This survey ends 26 December 2021, 23:59 JST.