In a 4gamer interview, Sunborn‘s CEO, Yuzhong, talked about a number of things regarding Girls Frontline moving forward in 2022, from Project Neural Cloud, to Exilium, till the end of the year. Since this is through 4gamer Japan, these may not necessarily apply to a global audience. Inaccuracies are the editor’s own.
On the Project Neural Cloud front, besides talking about the lore itself, the game has been well received in its home country of China since its release. The thing of note is that the game will be available in Japan “soon”, supposedly not being too far away.
Exilium, meanwhile, has since undergone closed beta tests. Plans are underway to improve on the strategy and gameplay aspect to make the “core” of the game more interesting. The scope seems to have grown much larger since its inception, as they felt the initial plans “could not satisfy” today’s players. Ten years in the future, both the commander and T-Dolls have changed, living in a much more chaotic world. The T-Dolls have had to adapt, giving themselves ‘human’ names for one, and they will “all be involved in the story”, not merely in battles.
Continuing about Exilium, exploration and survival elements, besides regular co-op and competitive modes, are being considered for multiplayer. Unlike Project Neural Cloud, no plans were disclosed about its Japanese release. The focus will be on improving the game, to deliver a “console-like” experience.
In closing, there’s vague disclosure about Girls Frontline hitting a “new climax” in the story in the coming year, besides more collaborations and offline events. There are plans to release “major titles”, as well as a paid game by 2022. It’s not made clear if the paid game is Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, that announced a delay to release in 2022, or that the releases are regarding global launches or completely new works.
With the Girls Frontline anime adaptation pretty close to airing, new fans could find many interesting things for them to catch up with before whatever Yuzhong releases what’s in store for 2022.
via 4gamer