Genshin Impact fans were worried the new skin for Ningguang was censored, after they noticed that certain details were missing for the skin after its launch.
Fans first noticed that the new Ningguang skin was missing her shoulderblades, after the beta build of the patch had them on her backless dress.

Given Genshin Impact’s recent controversy regarding censoring character outfits, they were quick to assume that Chinese regulators had somehow found basic anatomy offensive and asked to have the Tianquan’s bones removed.
“This is super weird since Jean, Eula, Beidou, Ganyu, Mona, Xiangling, Noelle, Fischl, Keqing, Rosaria, Yanfei and Lisa all have visible shoulder blades. And yes, that includes Jean’s, Rosaria’s and Mona’s newly redone skins”, writes one redditor.
“mona’s shoulder blades are actually even more pronounced in her new skin compared to her original one, it’s like they’re just picking a name out of a hat when it comes to who and what to censor, it’s ridiculous”, said another.
miHoYo Says It’s A Bug, Not A Feature
However, miHoYo was quick to address it in the patch notes, calling it a bug that would be fixed with the upcoming 2.5 update.
As it stands, it looks like the texture used for the new Ningguang skin simply wasn’t the right one, rather than censored by the Genshin Impact team. It looks more like a pass of the texture file where someone had turned off the layer that included the shading rather than any kind of regulatory oversight.
This pretty much encapsulates the tense relationship between Genshin Impact fans and miHoYo- the company is forced to dial back a lot of its more sexualized character designs as per Chinese guidelines, something many fans decry on the basis that any censorship is bad censorship.