The Genshin Impact 1.1 version update is finally upon us, and the official patch notes are out! The update will commence on 11 November 06:00 UTC +8, and is estimated to take 5 hours. 300 Primogems will be given out as compensation, with 60 for every hour the servers remain down. The compensation will be given out to those who have at least achieved Adventure Rank 5.
With the update, new characters will be available:
- 5-star Hydro / Bow user, “Childe” Tartaglia
- 4-star Cyro / Bow user, Diona
In the Wish banner, Farewell of Snezhnaya, 4-star characters, Ningguang (Geo) and Beidou (Electro) will also be featured. After 1 December 2020, will 5-star Polearm / Geo user, Zhong Li and 4-star Claymore / Pyro user, Xinyang, be available.
A new Archon Quest, A New Star Approaches, will become available with the 1.1 update. Story Quests will also be added: “Mighty Cyclops’ Adventure” will be in the 1.1 update, while “Historia Antiqua” will be available at a later time. New world quests will also become available.
The Unreconciled Stars event will run from 16 November 10:00 to 30 November 03:59 server time. 4-star Fischl (Electro) will be available from completing “Prinzessin’s Pact”.
The City Reputation system requires:
- Adventure Rank 25
- Completing Archon Quest Prologue: Act I “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” for Mondstadt, and Archon Quest Chapter I: Act II “Farewell, Archaic Lord” for Liyue
Special city features, recipes, gadget blueprints, namecards, wind gliders, and other rewards will be available as your reputation increases.
The biggest update for Genshin Impact yet is finally on the horizon, are you ready for 1.1?