We got to try out Harpy Raiders ahead of its release at the Indie Wavemakers booth during gamescom asia 2023.

Harpy Raiders is a 2D pixel platformer RPG where you play as a slime and fight off (or spare) the Harpy Empire.
You’re able to spec several points into 4 different attributes at the beginning of the game, which include strength, fluidity, focus, attunement, each with their own benefits.
For example, the Strength attribute affecting the strength of your slime’s gelatinous form, allowing the player to use and be proficient in heavy weapons.
The gameplay was pretty smooth, being a pretty balanced mixture of both combat and platforming at the same time.

There are also some pretty interesting features that we found throughout our playthrough, such as the cool grapple mechanic where the slime extends a part of its body and uses it as a grappling hook that helps you with the platforming aspect in the game.
Another interesting mechanic was that enemies have an indicator at the top of their heads that show health and stamina, and depleting their stamina would “stagger them” which prompts up a new feature that allows you to eat the enemy.
Eating the enemy essentially heals your HP and increases your healing output you’d get from using healing items.
In terms of RPG elements in the game, there’s a neat feature that allows you to “spare” enemies in certain story beats of the game, which is pretty similar to Undertale.
We found the Terraria-inspired game to be fun and enjoyable, especially when we get to cut through hordes of Harpies.
Harpy Raiders is available to try at the Indie Wavemakers booth at gamescom asia 2023.