We got to try out Battle Juice Alchemist ahead of its release at the Indie Wavemakers booth during gamescom asia 2023.

The dark cartoonist artstyle of the game is really unique, being reminiscent of Don’t Starve, but in 3D.
Battle Juice Alchemist is an isometric action RPG where you play as an alchemist, with the weapons being different flasks, each with their own unique skill.
You will have two slots for flasks, one being fixed and the other containing 3 sub-slots that can be filled with flasks that rotate. Your Main Flask is the Exploding Flask, with the other being the Liquid Flask, which is similar to a “Mana” system.
Different flasks have different costs, so players have to be wary not to over use their flasks, as the liquid will be consumed every time you use or throw one. Players would also have to get used to using these flasks, as it takes some amount of skill, being very easy to miss your target due to the high velocity when thrown.
The flask system was really cool, having to manage your resources whilst attempting to hit your enemies offered a good challenge.

We found the gameplay to be really unique and fun, albeit a little slow in terms of pacing. With a little more polish, we could see this game being much more enjoyable.
Battle Juice Alchemist will be available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Steam.