We had a chance to try out some Daemon X Machina at Gamescom 2019! Read on for our impressions on the gameplay so far.
The demo shows both “Offer Missions” and “Free Missions”. Offer Missions progress the story and appear to have certain rank requirements to tackle them. They’re displayed on a map and have locations associated with them too, which lends to a certain world building. The demo featured English dubbed cutscenes.
It would appear that story beats will be in both cutscene and chat log form. There’s in-battle banter too. Flight doesn’t appear to be limited, and you can take off and land whenever you want. The map seems decently big. You’re prevented from wandering too far with some yellow mesh though.
It’s important to note that ammo is limited! You’ll definitely have to find the weak points of the enemy to not waste your resources. Enemies, like the Immortal in the video, appear to have attack patterns. This one didn’t seem like it could reach the player if they’re high up, but this could differ between bosses.
Not much environmental destruction can be seen in this demo, but we’ll be looking forward to full release. Daemon X Machina is set for 13 September 2019 release.