Last week, a fan bought 40K USD worth of stock in Nintendo simply so he could attend a shareholder meeting and ask them why there hasn’t been a new F-Zero sequel, alongside new sequels to Baten Kaitos, Wario Land, The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls, Trade & Battle: Card Hero and Chōsōjū Mecha MG.
It’s a fair point. With all the Switch money Nintendo is accumulating, why don’t they take the opportunity to bring some old, more obscure IPs back?
Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa however responded back with a pretty simple but poignant answer: “It is realistically difficult to develop new titles and remakes, including sequels, for every Nintendo game that people request, but we are very grateful and appreciate the expectations our fans have for our games,”.
It is a response that probably made many Nintendo fans sad, perhaps even angry, but given the question, it was the most honest, direct, and professional answer that he could have given and while I have a number of problems with Nintendo, I respect Mr. Furukawa for his response. The truth is that game companies can’t make sequels for every game, nor do they owe them to fans. If you’d like to know more about why that is, subscribe to our newsletter. You can read it for free by putting your email address in the box below:
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