Previously, you may remember that we’d discussed some basic tips for public relations (PR) trying to reach out to a games media outlet. It’s a fairly simple deal- make our lives easier and we’re more likely to want to work with you on any kind of project.
It seems like obvious enough advice- yet today’s topic is on the reverse of that. That is to say, we’re going to be taking a look at just how badly a real PR company can go when it comes to messing up its relationship with media companies.
I need to stress that this isn’t a parable mixed with a dash of hyperbole either- this is a real story.
The first rule is simple: don’t Lie To Media. Look, when you have to scold a PR company the same way you would a child with ice cream on their cheeks feigning innocence, you’ve probably screwed up somewhere. It’s not even a PR-industry-exclusive piece of advice- I’m told that honesty is, in some circles, considered a superior policy. If you’d like to read the rest of this article and learn more about the do’s and don’t of Public Relations, subscribe to our Newsletter below (it’s free):
Give it a read and let us know what you think!
Written by Wan Amirul Adlan