This week in the GamerBraves Newsletter, we’re exploring the pity system in gacha games and why gacha gamers love being pitied so much. In a world where >0.1% odds to get your desired character is the norm, the pity system is a saving grace—it guarantees that you will get the character.
When given the choice between a game that gives out currency generously, but lacks a pity system and a game that is stingy with currency, but has a pity system, gacha gamers typically prefer the latter. However, there are those who prefer the first option. Sometimes, the exhilaration and uncertainty of “lucking out” beats the assurance of being guaranteed the character.
We’ll also look at a few gacha games and how they balance between currency and pity. After all, games need a source of revenue somewhere else if they’re planning to be ultra-generous.
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