If you know and love Futurama, then here’s good news! Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow is now launched in stores for both iOS and Android devices! The game was first released for the iOS but now it is out for Android too!
Check out their hilarious teaser trailer:
The game is based off on the animated series Futurama. In this game, you create and build your own version of a futuristic New New York town. You also get to play all your favorite characters from the Futurama series! Following the characters, go onto a journey to explore new planets and galaxies while defeating those who are in your way.
It is pretty cool as the game uses RPGs turn-based battles which allows strategies to be played in the game. The story of the game is based on the original creators for Worlds of Tomorrow, however there are new dialogues included in the game which can alter the direction of the story however you like!
So if you like and follow the Futurama series, then this game should fit you well in all its humorous ways!