Jee Yongchan, former lead designer and director of AION director, is currently hard at work developing a new mobile MMORPG titled Luthiel for South Korea-based game studio Entermate. With the game in progress for quite some time already, the closed beta version of the game will be launched in South Korea on 25 April 2017.
Luthiel‘s resemblance with AION doesn’t stop at its looks, as the two playable races in the game are known as Elyos and Asmodian, as is the case in AION as well. Players will be able to be the lord of their own fortress where they will receive special rewards for completing fortress quests such as delivering goods or just building infrastructure as you are told. Fortress battles will be the staple of this game, although it is unknown as this juncture as to how that aspect will work, as the trailer does not reveal anything.