Familiar faces in beautiful costumes welcome us to a new year in Fire Emblem Heroes! Don’t lose out on them by pulling the ω Special Heroes banner.
Decked out in fancy kimonos, Plumeria: Temptation Anew, Velouria: Renewed Wolfpup, Kaden: Refreshed Kitsune and Peony: Alfar Dream Duo are fresh additions to the game’s roster. Accompanying them are last year’s New Year banner pulls, Anna: Wealth-Wisher, Selkie: New Year’s Spirit, Lethe: New Year’s Claw and Alfonse: Askran Duo.
Amongst all these 5★ New Year heroes, the 4★ variant of Kaden: Refreshed Kitsune is also obtainable, giving players the opportunity to raise the furry fox-man to 5★ if they only managed to pull the 4★ version.
A new Paralogue Story, titled Beyond Dreaming, brings new quests and lore for players to experience. Beyond Dreaming also marks the first time we’ll see characters from Ljósálfheimr: The Realm of Dreams and Dökkálfheimr: The Realm of Nightmares appearing in a Paralogue.
If, for some reason, the new characters are not tempting enough for players to return to the game, then the other New Year goodies definitely are. Currently, these are still ongoing, but not for long. They are:
- New Year’s Gift Log-In Bonus
- New Year! Log-In Bonus
- New Year! Quests
- New Year’s Bundles
- Double EXP and SP
While many of us are still in a holiday mood, FE Heroes players have their work cut out for them. The sheer amount of Fire Emblem Heroes New Year events have been staggering. Since the release of the tactical RPG’s fifth chapter in December, there has not been a day without an event or banner. With so much new content to keep up with, be sure to check the game’s Twitter page to stay up-to-date!