Intelligent System’s Fire Emblem Heroes will be releasing the Choose Your Legends (CYL) Round 4 in today’s (18th August) reset.
The units that are featured in this banner are the ones who won Round 4 of the CYL event that was held earlier this year in around January.
The winners of the CYL event this year are:
- Dimitri (First Place Men’s Division)
- Edelgard (First Place Women’s Division)
- Claude (Second Place Men’s Division)
- Lysithea (Second Place Women’s Division)
– Unit Skills –
- Dimitri – King of Faerghus
Being a blue infantry lance unit, Dimitri will be taking advantage of his high DEF stat in corporation with his unique Slot B skill Blue Lion Rule since it takes Dimitri’s DEF stat in comparison to the opponent’s DEF stat. And with his Slot A skill, it’ll take his high DEF stat even further beyond if he’s nearby an allied unit.
Dimitri’s strength lies with being near his allies, while being able to both buff himself and protect his allies, Dimitri can be a great durable front line unit with his base set of skills.
- Claude – Almyra’s King
Claude will be taking advantage over his stat buffs with Fury 4 and his weapon which gives him a +9 to all of his stats. While also debuffing his enemies with his Slot B and Slot C skills. And with his one-turn cooldown Moonbow, Claude will be able to tear apart enemies all while keeping his health in check with the healing he can get from his weapon effect.
Claude is more of a hit and run kind of unit who works well with picking off units to gain the overall advantage during the battles.
- Lysithea – Earnest Seeker
Lysithea is a force not to be reckoned with. With her tome at hand, she’s able to dish out massive amount of damage if the enemy is over 75% of their health and if Lysithea’s HP is less than 100%. When the condition is met, she will have a +13 to both her ATK and SPD stats, and not only that, she’ll be able to guaranteed a double before the enemy can counterattack which makes Lysithea a super strong player phase nuke.
Lysithea takes pride in her magical prowess of being able nuke down units especially if they’re a cavalry unit. She will work extremely well with a dancer in the team.
- Edelgard – Adrestian Emperor
Although she might be a green armored axe unit, Edelgard is still able get 1 extra movement space when her HP is more than 25%. Under the same conditions, her Slot B skill allows her to make a guaranteed follow-up attack and also reduce the foe’s follow-up attack by 80% alongside with her Slot A skill, if Edelgard faces a ranged unit, she’ll be able to eat up those attacks easily.
Edelgard is most likely able to face tank just about all sorts of damage with her base set of skills so it’s safe to just plop her in front of her enemies without worrying too much about her.
– Free Summoning Event –
Players can redeem one of the 4 heroes for free in this special Free Summon Event. The summoned unit will have neutral IVs so pick carefully which hero you’d like to summon for!
– Forging Bonds –
Not only will the banner be dropping, there’ll also be a Forging Bonds event featuring these 4 heroes. For up to 7 days, players are able to earn 2 Orbs for the first time you clear a map (Once each day). Players can also receive other rewards such as Summoning Tickets as well as Accessories which can be equipped to gain more Forging Bonds points.
For more information and future updates, check out their Official Twitter Page.