Fallen versions of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Awakening characters will appear in the Fire Emblem Heroes Forces of Will banner. You can watch the trailer for the New Heroes banner below:
The banner will go live on 7th May 2021. It will add four new characters. They are:
- Dimitri: Savage Boar
- Morgan: Fated Darkness
- Morgan: Devoted Darkness
- Edelgard: Hegemon Husk
Note that Fated Darkness is the male version of Morgan, whereas Devoted Darkness is the female version of Morgan. All four characters are protagonists of their respective games, but this banner introduces them as darker, alternative versions of themselves.
After the 40th pull from Forces of Will, Fire Emblem Heroes banner can choose a focus Hero from the event for free. In addition, players will also get a Celestial Stone after 40 summons. Together with the banner, a new story chapter titled Bound Elsewhere will also make its way into the game.
Dimitri and Edelgard debuted in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The former leads the Blue Lions while the latter leads the Black Eagles. On the other hand, Morgan is the player character in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Like most player characters, Morgan’s gender depends on the player’s choice and will also affect potential marriage partners.
To stay updated with new developments of Fire Emblem Heroes, follow the game’s Twitter account.