Gematsu has reported the registration of several new Final Fantasy VII Trademarks, leading fans to speculate about the expansion of the Final Fantasy VII IP.
Square Enix has reportedly trademarked Ever Crisis, as well as The First Soldier– titles very evocative of the Final Fantasy VII series.
Ever Crisis in particular has fans excited, as many are speculating it has something to do with the games Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Given fans are still debating details about Crisis Core protagonist Zack after the events of Remake, the idea of some spiritual remake of Crisis Core could very well be on the cards.
The First Soldier seems to have also caused a lot of speculation, as the title could apply to Smash character and Kingdom Hearts villain Sephiroth. The trademark is even listed in all-caps, meaning this could very well be either a Sephiroth solo game or an origin story, though all of this is pure speculation.
While trademark news often tends to be rife with baseless speculation, there’s a good amount of credibility to those surrounding these Final Fantasy VII Trademarks. Remake opened the door to its own sub-franchise with the events of its plot, and the Final Fantasy VII spin-offs were popular enough that there’s definitely a market to have them revisited.
Only time will tell though, as fans are still waiting on news about Final Fantasy VII Remake 2’s development.