Do you remember Evoland II? The game that was released back in June 2018 that has multiple game genres and references in there? Now the game is on discount, again! The game was originally RM 36.99 but it was discounted down to RM 22.99 when it was first released. Now, it’s on sale again and it’s even lower than before at RM 9.49! So if you really wanted to try it out, you should get it now before the sale ends in 6 days!
If you don’t know about Evoland II yet, well it’s a sequel to Evoland – the first one. This time, you follow Kuro and his companion Fina to time travel through the multiverse of video games and save the world. There are plenty of game references from 32bit Final Fantasy-esque style, or a side-scrolling RPG, or a 3D dungeon crawling RPG – it can even turn into a fighter genre during a boss battle! And of course, there’s plenty of references not just from games, but from popular anime as well.
So if you wanted to try it out before but it was not your type of budget, you can get it now at less than RM 10 and enjoy the multiverse challenges of games.