Rise fellow tarnished, as the patch update for V1.06 for Elden Ring has recently been announced by Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia. The patch update will be focused for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S and PC via Steam.
These are the major changes will be included in the latest update:
Additional Elements
The latest patch update will be adding in the function to send summoning signs to summoning pools in multiple areas, including distant areas. But do note that when sending a co-op sign to distant areas with this function, summoning pools in Mohgwyn Palace will be excluded.
The patch will also be adding in the function for the tarnished to invade larger areas including distant areas as well as adding in a new way to advance White Mask Varre’s questline other than participating in multiplayer invasion by defeating a new NPC.
A full list of balance changes and bug fixes to Elden Ring patch update V1.06 can be found through the game’s official website here. And of course, for players who wish to access the online play features will need to apply this update.
For more information on Elden Ring and other Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia products, do check out their website here.