Dragon Ball Z: Bucchigiri Match is a game developed by a newly formed studio, BXD, in Japan. They are a subsidiary studio formed under the mother company Bandai Namco Entertainment and Drecom. This time, they have turned their focus upon cross-platform playability through HTML5. They had teased attendees of the Tokyo Game Show 2017 with a teaser.
Check out their official teaser trailer below:
If you didn’t know already, HTML5 is a web-based platform that is accessible almost everywhere as long as you have a browser and the wonders of the internet. That means, you can play it on your mobile device and desktops without the need to download apps or clients to launch the game; just start a browser!
There’s also another game that we covered earlier which is using a similar platform, Mad World by Jandisoft. Guess the direction of game developers now is to cater to everyone; to be able to play the game everywhere and lessen the space on your mobile device. Till date, there was no official release date of Dragon Ball Z: Bucchigiri Match but it is scheduled to be launched in Japan first this Spring.