With the first anniversary celebrations well underway, Dragalia Lost will begin its first anniversary raid event: Fractured Futures! Check out the trailer for the event coming later today!
On one fateful day, a loved one was lost, and a possible future was stolen forever… While lamenting over memories of days gone by, the prince is approached by a dragon named Chronos. The dragon offers to use his powers to alter time, giving the prince a chance to set things right—no matter the consequences!
We see the prince apparently taken back to the past, before Zethia surrenders herself to save him. Has he really been given a second chance? Not to mention, who are these new characters? The Masked Girl too, returns, and it would seem fate will all collide at once!
Is that a young Alberius who appears to give his son advice? We get a sneak peek at the upcoming raid boss as well, in a different arena than usual! Considering Cygames’ Granblue Fantasy having spectacular anniversary events, we’ll see what they bring to the table in Dragalia Lost!

See you in the Halidom!