In a financial report from Toei Animation, it has been revealed that Digimon Survive has its release date delayed to Q3 2022. This gives Digimon Survive a release date between July 1 – September 30 2022. You can read the financial report here, but note that it is in Japanese.
The delay is noted on page 11 of the document.
The highlighted section above, when translated to English, reads “PS4/Switch [Digimon Survive] scheduled to be released [2022]”. Given that it is placed in the Q3 section, fans will probably have to wait over a year.
Digimon Survive is the franchise’s next big console release. Following the success of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory, Survive is another title that is expected to release for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
Digimon Survive is said to be noticeably darker and more mature in its themes. It features a new group of teenagers who find themselves transported to another world. It also features SRPG combat where battles are fought in 2D, a new direction for the Digimon video games as a whole.
The game has been plagued by constant delays. Originally supposed to release in 2019, the game was further postponed to 2021 without a specific release date.