Digimon Survive, is a game that was announced by Bandai Namco. The game touted to be a new Survival SRPG that revolves around the world of the Digimon universe in a 2D and 3D style. It will feature as an adventure game that will be released for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in Japan, 2019.
[UPDATE] Here’s the scan of the latest Weekly Jump issue:
Below are the features of the game:
Conversational scenes
During conversational scenes, it will be illustrated in 2D with graphics that are alike from an anime. Choices made by players will affect the story’s development and even some of the evolutions of the Digimons.
Players will need to explore areas to look for key items to progress through the story or quest.
The battle system will feature a strategy RPG battle with grid tiles where you move your Digimons around to battle the enemies. For each movement, it will consume an energy point during battle which will require players to strategize before depleting them.
You, the main character along with the others were out camping when suddenly a portal appeared and were thrown into it. Trapped in the Digimon world, you find yourselves in a dangerous world filled with digital creatures. Thus, begins the survival adventure in the Digimon world.
A Second-year middle school student, Takuya Momotsuka, also found himself trapped in the Digimon world and found his partner, Agumon.
Source: Ryokutya2089