The South Korean Digimon MMO, Digimon Super Rumble has released a nostalgia-filled new trailer in Korean.
You can watch the Digimon Super Rumble trailer here:
The trailer depicts grown-up Digimon fans going to work and struggling with adult life. They begin reminiscing about their time as kids watching the Digimon anime, playing the card game, and playing with the v-pets. By the end of the trailer, they seemingly return to the franchise and meet with the eight Adventure partner Digimon.
The trailer incorporates a lot of iconography from the original Digimon Adventure anime, the v-pet seen in the trailer is modeled after the original Adventure digivice, the Adventure anime appears on television, and the symbols of the chosen children’s crests appear on the screen.
Digimon Super Rumble has yet to have a release date however it will be made by Korean developer Move Games using Unreal Engine 4 for Windows PC.
Move Games have stated that they wanted to convey a sense of evolution in the trailer among Digimon fans:
“We wanted to convey that children who grew up watching Digimon when they were young have now evolved into full-fledged adults, and just as they start a new adventure of social life, Digimon is also starting a new adventure called Digimon Super Rumble.”
Digmon Super Rumbles CBT pre-registration has opened worldwide for those that want a chance to play it.