Digimon: New Century, the upcoming China-exclusive mobile game, has its release date postponed from October 13 to October 21, 2021. According to an announcement from the Digimon: New Century website, the release date delay is for the developers to “deliver players a better gaming experience”.
It’s not all sad news, as the compensation for the delay is pretty lucrative for a week-long postponement. Players are getting 100 free pulls via the “Evolution Pack” item. Players who log into the game between 21st to 28th October can obtain their Evolution Pack via their in-game mailbox. However, it can only be used once players have reached level 30.
Given how easy it is to level up in the game, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue to get to level 30 in a couple of days. We took part in the closed beta for the game. You can read our thoughts on it here. However, for those under 18 in China, it will be a completely different story as minors are banned from playing on weekdays, only being able to play online games for a maximum of 3 hours on weekends.
Digimon: New Century is set to debut new original Digimon based on Chinese mythology. Unfortunately, there is still no word of an English release.
Source: wanuxi