Diablo IV Season 3 has been announced and it will be titled ‘Season of the Construct’, featuring a new Dungeon type, a seasonal robotic companion, The Gauntlet, among other features.
Season of the Construct, Season 3 of Diablo IV, is scheduled to begin on January 23, 2024, at 10 AM (PST).
Previously teased during BlizzCon 2023, this season of Diablo IV will focus on Loom, an ancient technology designed by Zoltun Kulle and Ayuzhan of Caldeum beneath the sands of Kehjistan and has now been twisted by the Demon Malphas.
To play this new questline, players would have to create a new character on the Seasonal Realm and complete the Main Campaign, which is skippable once the prologue is completed.
Gatehall, a town center underneath Kehjistan will be the new base of operations and Zoltun’s former companion Ayuzhan will be leading you into the treacherous Vaults, riddled with elemental Hazards and Constructs to defeat Malphas.

Seneschal Companion
This season will also introduce the Seneschal Companion, a hardy little mechanical spider-like construct that fights by your side, available during the Seasonal Questline.
This mechanical companion can also be augmented through the use of Governing and Tuning Stones recovered within the Vaults, with the former focusing on attacks while the latter provides more utility.
There is a limit of 2 Governing Stones and 6 Tuning Stones that can equipped to your Seneschal and there are 12 different Governing Stones and 27 Tuning Stones of different rarities to be sought out in the Vaults.
The full list of Governing and Tuning Stones available for the Seneschal Companion and other details can be found on the official Blizzard blog post of the new Diablo IV season.

The Vaults are a new specialized dungeon type that houses elemental Hazards devised by Zoltun Kulle and Ayuzhan themselves.
The dungeon will be introducing Constructs, an entirely new monster family with several elemental variants lurking and waiting in the Vaults to ambush unsuspecting wanderers with their mechanical clutches.

Upon entering the Vault, players can also acquire the Zoltun’s Warding by converting the required Pearls of Warding, providing a special layered blessing that grants access to riches within the Vaults.
The Zoltun’s Warding diminishes stack by stack upon defeat but keeping them intact after defeating a boss will allow players to unlock a Wardwoven Chest, which has a higher chance of granting Legendary gears.
Meanwhile, using Pearls of Warding can increase the risk by exchanging them for extra stacks of Zoltun’s Warding at the Vault entrance and rewards will be increased when succeeded.
At World Tier III, Nightmare Vaults become available and Vault Sigils will drop alongside Nightmare Dungeon Sigils.

The Gauntlet
Already announced during BlizzCon 2023, Season 3 of Diablo IV will be introducing Weekly Leaderboards with the addition of The Gauntlet, a rotating fixed dungeon that challenges players who compete for the top spot.
Players who claim their place on the top weekly leaderboards will then earn their permanent spot in the Hall of the Ancients.

In addition, the new season will also bring in plenty of quality-of-life updates, including enhanced movement, extra stash tab, and more.
Moreover, the new season will, of course, introduce a new Battle Pass that begins on January 23, at 10 AM (PST) with 90 Reward Tiers to unlock.
The developers plan to delve deeper into what is coming to Season 3 with a Developer Update Livestream on January 18, 2024, at 9 AM (PST), which will be available on Twitch and YouTube.