There’s no time to rest after Wolumonde, it’s back to the Contingency Contract madness with Pyrite for Arknights Global. Do check out our guide on preparing for this edition here, and always remember that nothing will be wasted. Blade and Cinder will be coming soon…
Contingency Contract Pyrite will open 11 November 2020, 10:00 UTC -7 and will last until 25 November 2020, 03:59 UTC -7. The shop will have the following items available:
- Permanent cross-season shop
- Epoque: Invisible Dirge skin for Manticore
- Test Collection: Species Plantarum for Perfumer (previously available as log in reward)
- Season Furniture #0: Barrenland Pennant
- Season Furniture #0: Pyrite Pennant
- 4x Royal Vanguard Token (for upgrading 6-star Vanguards)
- The limited seasonal shop will have various materials, including:
- Manganese Trihydrate
- Grindstone Pentahydrate
- Polymerization Preparation
- Polyester Lump
- RMA70-12
- Aketon
All access Supplies and Chips will open 11 November 2020, 10:00 UTC -7 and will last until 25 November 2020, 03:59 UTC -7.
Misty Wild opens 11 November 2020, 10:00 UTC -7 and will last until 25 November 2020, 03:59 UTC -7, featuring new Operators:
- 5-star Defender, Asbestos
- 5-star Supporter, Tsukinogi
They will be added into the Headhunting pool once their rate up ends.
While not mentioned in the official English schedule, the next Standard Headhunting has been revealed with the following Operators on rate up:
- 6-star Sniper Exusiai, 6-star Guard SilverAsh
- 5-star Sniper Executor and Platinum, 5-star Specialist Manticore
Platinum and Exusiai are expected to be available in the Distinction store.
Good luck to all Doctors aiming for the badge collection this season!