Adventure Time, the award-winning American animated series and Bloons TD, the super popular tower defense game series have come together for an awesome crossover! Titled Bloons Adventure Time TD, the mobile game will be arriving for both iOS and Android on August 30!
Just like any other Bloons game, you will be popping waves of Bloons to protect your base. The game is featuring the iconic Adventure Time characters (obviously) including Finn and Jake, you can also recruit some brand new monkey heroes such as Captain Cassie and C4 Charlie. There will be a new voice-acted story featuring the original voice cast too!
The game actually looks like a great take on the combination between the 2 popular franchise, so if you are a fan of either Adventure Time or Bloons TD (or both), this is a game that you NEED to give it a try. The game is coming out on 30 August, Android users can pre-register on the Google Play Store now.