Blizzard Entertainment has announced their next new hero for Overwatch 2 at Blizzcon, the Samoan hero Mauga.
Unveiled at the Blizzcon Opening Ceremony, Mauga will be joining Overwatch 2 as part of the game’s 8th season.
He’s also available to play all through BlizzCon weekend, as well as at the physical Blizzcon event.
Mauga’s kit revolves around his two chainguns, allowing him to light enemies on fire as well as gain crit damage on burning enemies.
He has several mobility tools, such as a powerful charge allowing him to get in. that ignores barriers and other impediments to movement and ends with a powerful jump that stuns and pushes enemies.
On top of that, he also has support tools, allowing him to heal himself and teammates based on the damage he dishes out.
Finally, his ult, Cage Fight creates an area around him and traps enemies from escaping, allowing him to finish them off without the threat of anyone running away.
Mauga is the game’s first Samoan playable character, being aligned with the Talon agents like Reaper, Sombra and Widowmaker.
He’s one of several new nationalities represented in Overwatch 2, such as the Thai hero Lifeweaver as well as the Peruvian hero Illari.