At the annual Tokyo Game Show, Japan-based game developer Applibot announced its latest mobile title in the form of Blade X Lord. What makes this particularly noteworthy is the fact that is the brainchild of Hayakashi Hisatoshi, former executive producer for Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius and Brave Frontier. We are treated with a very neat trailer, although nothing is shown with regards to gameplay.
What we do know however, is that there will be heavy emphasis on three key elements, namely the world, story and battle. As the game will be in full 3D, do expect graphics to take centre stage as well, and judging from the trailer alone, the production values will be high.
Given the pedigree of this game, we do expect something that meets the high expectations which even mobile gamers have these days for this genre. The official Blade X Lord website has yet to update with anything useful, so do expect a follow-up article down the line from us.
Pre-registrations are up, however the campaign is not up yet. We’re pretty sure there will be pre-registration rewards once they have set it up! For more info, you can check out their official site!