Rejoice Gundam fans! Bandai Namco (Shanghai) reveals another Gundam-themed mobile game, Mobile Suit Gundam (not official name) on ChinaJoy 2o17 recently. Some of the event participants have been able to try out the game beforehand, so here is a gameplay video:
Mobile Suit Gundam is a 3D real-time battle game, which inherits gameplay from the famous Gundam VS series (but in an easier control system). You will need to move your character with a virtual joystick while attacking or firing weapons at your opponents strategically to defeat them. You can choose to play 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 battle too.
You can build your own team by collecting mobile suits and drivers from all the Gundam series. The game also features a story mode, real-time battle mode, arena mode and more.
The game is still in development so there is no official release date yet. These are all we know for now, we will get back to you once there is more information available.