Mundfish studio and 4Divinity have launched the third DLC for Atomic Heart, titled “Enchantment Under the Sea.” This latest expansion returns to the main storyline’s aftermath, bringing players back to Facility 3826 after the previous Limbo-focused content.
The DLC introduces players to the new underwater Neptune Research Center, where they’ll be accompanied by a Twin companion as they investigate ways to prevent humanity’s grim future. Players will also revisit familiar locations, including the flying city of Chelomey, which has fallen under the control of a transformed Robogirl who was once an ally.
Combat remains a central focus, with the DLC introducing two new weapons to the arsenal. The Thunderclap, an electrically-charged hammer, delivers powerful damage, while the KM-4 Kuzmich double-barrel shotgun offers customizable spread for crowd control. Players will also gain access to two new glove abilities: Blaze, which launches area-of-effect fireballs, and Whip, a grappling hook that enables both combat maneuvers and enhanced mobility.
These new tools will prove essential against the DLC’s expanded enemy roster, which includes enhanced versions of familiar facility robots, swarms of underwater mutants, and a new threatening entity called MOR-4Y that stalks the depths.
The latest Atomic Heart DLC, Enchantment Under the Sea is now available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. Players can access this content through the Atomic Pass or by purchasing either the Gold or Premium Edition of the game, which includes all currently released DLC and access to future content.