Patch 1.02 of Armored Core VI has arrived, bringing about several balance changes that addressed issues that players have had with the game.
The 1.02 Patch brings with it balance adjustments to multiple weapons, adjustments to certain enemies, and numerous bug fixes.
Due to the dominance from builds featuring the SG-027 ZIMMERMAN and SONGBIRDS, FromSoftware has made multiple adjustments to other weapon types to promote diversity.
“Please note that this patch is focused on balance adjustments that will allow players more build diversity in the early and mid-game when assembling their AC, as well as bug fixes.” they said.
- Weapon unit balance adjustments:
- MA-J-200 RANSETSU-RF: Increased attack power/rate of fire, decreased reload time.
- LR-036 CURTIS: Increased attack power, decreased reload time.
- RF-024 TURNER: Increased attack power/projectile speed, decreased reload time.
- RF-025 SCUDDER: Increased attack power/projectile speed, decreased reload time.
- MA-J-201 RANSETSU-AR: Increased attack power/projectile speed, decreased reload time.
- MG-014 LUDLOW: Increased attack power/total rounds/projectile speed, decreased recoil and reload time.
- DF-MG-02 CHANG-CHEN: Increased attack power/total rounds/projectile speed, decreased reload time.
- MA-E-210 ETSUJIN: Increased attack power/total rounds/projectile speed, decreased reload time.

In light of complaints from players regarding certain enemies being harder than intended, certain attacks performed by the following enemy units have been adjusted:
- IB-01: CEL240
It’s important to note that they have not stated what the changes are, so it’s not confirmed that this will make the game any easier.
Patch 1.02 is the first balance change since the release of Armored Core VI in August of this year.