Arknights Korea and Japan accounts have at last announced Stories of Afternoon, an omnibus story event in the vein of Operational Intelligence / Ancient Forge, with the English account to follow suit with the region appropriate time. It’s been a couple weeks of downtime with the half anniversary lantern collection, with new blood soon to join Rhodes!
First up will be the main meat: Stories of Afternoon will feature 6 event stages with corresponding challenge modes. Obtain event currency by spending sanity to reach milestones for materials, event stories and Ptilopsis’ new outfit.
With the event commencement, there will be the new banner dubbed “Thousands Heads” or “Thousands Headed Arsenal”. It will feature the following Operators on rate up:
- 6-star Caster Ceobe
- 5-star Caster Leizi
- 5-star Guard Lappland
The Cambrian outfit sets for Courier, Texas and Specter will return. All cost 15 OP.
Last but not least, all Supply stages will be open. There will also be free 100 Sanity given out daily to help you towards the farm for materials, not forgetting the upcoming Contingency Contract. If you want to know what to prioritize, you can check out our guide for Operation Barrenland here for last minute preparations.
F2P players will find a bit more reprieve in Arknights with Stories of Afternoon, with time yet to save up for upcoming Operators. Good luck!