One of the biggest X-Men villains arrives in Marvel’s Contest of Champions. Apocalypse is now available in the game, with a set of synergy abilities.
X-Men fans will recognize Apocalypse as the first Human to express the X-gene. In other words, he’s the first Mutant. Here’s his bio, specific to the world of Contest of Champions.
Thousands of years ago in ancient Aqaba, the first living being on Earth to express the mutant X-gene was born, given the name “En Sabah Nur” or “The First One”. As he traveled the Earth, En Sabah Nur deemed himself “Apocalypse” convincing ancient civilizations that he was a deity and manipulating them into fighting wars which he justified as stimulating growth, judgment, and destruction.
After conquesting the Earth for many millennia Apocalypse used Celestial technology to enter a period of suspended animation for many centuries, awakening in the current age and deciding the Earth is ready for further examination.
Apocalypse synergizes well with other mutants, as he can generate buffs for either himself or other Mutants to use. Similarly, he can also go into a hibernation when he’s not active, allowing him to heal between fights.
That being said, his skills require him to collect Genetic Code, which he can’t do against robot enemies.