The Alchemist Code, a mobile turn-based strategy game by Gumi has soft-launched the game in Sweden! The game is now available in Sweden’s App Store and Play Store. With the soft-launch of the game in Sweden, we can expect the game to be officially launched globally soon.
Check out their first global trailer below:
While the original name was For Whom The Alchemist Exists in Japan, the game was renamed and released as The Alchemist Code in English. The game has a mix of JRPG’s tactical elements with an in-depth story. Not to mention they have cool 3D animations with animated-styled cut scenes along with amazing music themes and voice acting.
If you have loved turn-based tactical strategy games, then you might compare it games like Final Fantasy Tactics. As the game system takes account to the positioning of the characters which will affect the damage dealt or taken. For example, if your character is on a higher ground, you’d deal more damage to enemies on a lower ground who is not facing you. Just like in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, the accuracy of your attack will be affected depending on where the enemy is facing. You can also unlock and change the character’s job according to your needs as you go further into the game!