Ado, the renowned Japanese vocalist behind hit anime performances including One Piece Film Red and SPY x FAMILY, has announced her second world tour titled “Hibana” (meaning “spark” in Japanese) for 2025. The ambitious tour, presented in partnership with Crunchyroll, will span 31 shows across 28 cities worldwide from April through August 2025.
Following the success of her “Wish” tour earlier this year, Ado will kick off “Hibana” with two shows at Saitama Super Arena in Japan on April 26-27, 2025. The tour will proceed through major cities in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, concluding at the Blaisdell Arena in Hawaii on August 24, 2025. While the Asian leg includes stops in Thailand, Philippines, and Singapore, notably absent from the lineup are major markets Indonesia and Malaysia.
“If my first world tour embodied my ‘Wish,’ then my second will ignite the spark I want to light in the world,” Ado stated in a press release. “I aim to show my growth since the ‘Wish’ tour and deliver my best performances yet.”
Ticket sales will begin with a special Crunchyroll presale on November 19, 2024, using the code “CrunchyrollxAdo.” General ticket sales will open to the public on November 22, 2024. The tour will visit prestigious venues including London’s O2 Arena, Los Angeles’ Arena, and Paris’ Accor Arena.
Notable venues also include Singapore Indoor Stadium, Toronto’s Scotiabank Arena, and São Paulo’s Espaco Unimed, among many others. Moreover, fans can find complete tour information and ticket details on the official tour website.