Kingdom is a manga and animated series by Yasuhisa Hara. A mobile game is in the making based off the popular series by Monster Strike’s producers, Deluxe Games and Yoshiki Okamoto. The mobile game will be named, Kingdom Ran (キングダム乱 -天下統一への道-), which will be released in Japan.
Based on sources, Kingdom Ran will be a strategy title where players will take the role of one of the generals from the manga/anime series. As you set foot in the war zone, you will need to control your general and lead your soldiers into war. Players will be able to assign soldiers in different areas to defeat their opponents strategically. And when two generals meet, they will begin to battle each other by tapping as fast as they can to wither out each other’s HP.
As the game is based off the manga/anime series, players will be able to play with familiar characters from the Kingdom universe with original voice actors from the animated series. The game is slated to arrive within the first quarter of 2018, though there was no exact date mentioned. Pre-registrations are up on their official site which will reward players based on their pre-register milestone.
Pre-registration Rewards below:
Everyone: Gem x50
20,000: Gem x70
50,000: Gacha Ticket x1
100,000: Gem x100
150,000: SR Kyo Kai
Next: ??? (To be revealed later)